chapter 3

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So it's the day of the concert and I'm feeling great.......i lied. I'm so nervous. All my thoughts are

 running through my hear as I pick out the perfect outfit. I might chicken out and decide not to

 meet them. But I'll enjoy the concert because of the money spent. It's crazy that I have seven

 soulmates. It seven crazier that they are all idols and I found out that they coming to Texas on

 their tore. I honestly sacred. What if they don't like me? Stop thinking like that you are fine. You

 can do this. Should I show them my purple eyes? Not yet when you are comfortable show them.

Ok I got my outfit I have to be able to show them my marks and be comfortable at the same

 time. SO I chose a black crop top with a BTS hoodie on top. I also choose black cargo pants with

 platform boots. I look nice.

I made it to the concert. It is packed. Let me tell you I can't move an inch without hitting

 someone or them hitting me. I feel as though I'm trapped but stop a panic attack from

 happening. As soon as I got to my seat the boys started the concert. It was awesome to say the

 least. If you have never been to a BTS concert I advise you to save up and get yourself a ticket. I

 mean these boys can put on a show. I didn't even care that I was dancing and singing along with

 them in a crowd of people. My voice was drowned in an amazing crowd of other singing along

 as well. I feel connected to their music. Like they are singing to me and only me. It felt nice. I

 hope that one day I might be on stage singing with them or in a living room them singing to me.

As soon the concert began I went to the room for a brake and a mental pep talk. I decided that it

 was best that they know. If they don't accept me than that is their falt and ill get through it. If

 they do ill follow them any were they want to go. Ill let them drag me to hell and pull me out.

 And ill do it with a smile on my face.

Let's go meet my boys. 

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