Chapter 7

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Ichika POV:

After a few hours I felt myself being woken up. "Ichika when was the last time you ate?" Jin asks. "Probably after the concert? Maybe before? I can't remember." "What that was like two days ago! Ichika get your ass up and eat." "Dang did Jin just cuss?" Suga. "She hasn't eaten sense the day of the concert!" "Wait really Ichika you need to eat like now." Tea says. I'm pretty sure that Jin rarely cusses. So like he woke every one up. Now they are all watching me eat making sure I actually eat. I'm also pretty sure they set an alarm that will force me to eat. But the food was good so that is that.

After eating everyone calmed down so I decided to go to my little corner and finish my sound track. So I sit in one of the back first class seats and put on my head phones. Making sure that no one can hear what I'm doing or see it I start working. Im working on two songs. One is like a rap song, the other is a creepy child song cover in my siren voice. I think that I'll be done with it within next week. If I can do the voice recordings. Anyway, I finish up what I want to get done to day and pull out my phone and connect my head phones to it. So im scrolling through TikTok while dinking my water until I come across this video 

When I tell you that I choked on my water so fast you would not believe me. It was like a chain reaction when all the boys looked at me. I quickly shut off my phone and swallowed my water. "What guys? Im fine. Just watching some tiktok." "Did you see it?" Jimin asks "See what?" "My trend" I nearly choke again. "I think that answers it." JK says. "Nothing to see here. Look away." Oks, sures, and fines were heard all around as they turned around. Jimin almost gave me a heart attack doing that dance. They I decide to look at other people who are doing the dance. I decide that I want to do this dance for my page. Ok lets say for instance that I have more of a following that Charli d'amelio. But I don't show my face and they are following siren. So siren (Me but without the face) is just me promoting my songs, talking, and singing. That account has over 567 million followers. (Let's just think that this is possible.) Cool right. Then I have the account wear I show my face. Nobody knows me as siren their im just Ichika the fun creator. On that platform I dance, do fun skits, whether its anime to other things, I do a lot of story times, Sometimes I'm a therapist and talk about mental health, and I do makeup videos. That account has 75 million followers. I don't get recognized in public because they know not to come up to me. My followers are nice and understanding they know that I don't like being approached in public do to social anxiety so they let me be and just let me be human. They are my little ducklings. Now I post often but not every day. I need to do one tomorrow, or they will ask if I'm dead. Im sure some of them saw me at the bts concert. I also have an Instagram. It's the same stuff going one. Except the fact that I have a bts meme account and that one has about 600 million followers. BTS has an army, literally.

"Hey Ichika do you have a tiktok." Suga yells from his lying position infought of me. And I choke on air... again. "Yeah I do." "Can I have it?" "Um sure." I am panicking they are going to see my videos. "Wait you have a tiktok?" "Yeah but I don't post anything its just for fun. I also used a normal username and not my real name." "Ok umm my uh tiktok username is um @Athousandflowers_1." "Ok thanks ill follow you."

Then all you hear is another choke. But not from me this time. "You have 75 million fucking followers?" He yells. Now This gets everyone's attention. "Did you just say that Ichika, our soulmate has 75 Million followers on tiktok?" J-hope askes. The others waiting to hear him. "Yeah that's what I fucking said her user name is @Athousandflowers_1" ... "What is your Instagram?" jk "Do you really want to know?" "Yeah just tell us." Rm says "Fine its um @Ichika_Athousandflowers_1" "You have the same following on Instagram wait never mind it just went up to 76 Million." "Yeah I guess." "HOW THE FUCK DID WE NOT KNOW?" Tae yells "Guys its time for me to go bye." I say sneaking to the part where the staff are. "WE will talk later." Jin whisper yelles. 

A/n : 

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