No Way to Restart

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Fundy's eyes popped open, alert, he did not know when he'd closed them, perhaps Error had ordered him to, and he'd been forced to comply. Either way, the reason for this was noise, loud footsteps echoed through his soft ears, turning into leaves rustling violently, until he finally saw what it was, a figure scurried out through the bushes, eyes glowing a suspicious green, turning white when he stepped out of the plants.

"They're chasing you? I thought I specifically told you to kill them if they saw, Luke" Error chided, it's glitchy, undefinable figure reaching out the mentioned. Fundy's fur bristled, but Error did not make any attempt to hurt the other, instead pushing him aside, colliding with Fundy who's narrowed eyes did not shift from the creature. "I suppose I'll have to pull my plan out quicker than expected," a blank laugh, void of emotion, seemed to circle around the clearing.  Four portals appeared around the glitch, two colored bright green, one red, and one golden. Out of the greens stepped Drista and Dream, bathed in unnatural light, XD would not be proud of them. Out of the red stepped a crimson god, his shoulder-length hair was a dark maroon, straight and even, nearly covering his left eye and draping over his ear. His two eyes were blood-red in the iris, his pupils cat-like. He wore a long-sleeved robe, decorated with intimidating vines, and a pit of purplish patterns. What was most intimidating about him was the bat wings that stretched out behind him and the tentacle-like twin-tails curled neatly below him, such needle points that just brushing against one of them would make you bleed. Lastly, out of the golden portal stepped a familiar face- Foolish. 

Fundy's breath quickened, he let out cry of disbelief, "FOOLISH! SAVE US PLEASE! WE NEED YOUR HELP!" His only hope dimmed as Foolish turned guiltily to the ground and backed a step away, he opened his mouth, and then closed it, shaking his head in shameful apology. 

"Ignore him Totem, and Blood, you all know how they can be don't you?" Error's ignorance dripped from his every word, irritating the Blood god, who was only here for battle, but his patience was infinite. Suddenly, three more rushed about the clearing, Deo, Tommy, and Bitzel. Tension crackled in the air, following in their footsteps was Niki and Wilbur. A pair Fundy hadn't seen together since the Old L'Manberg days.

"Ah, ready to die hmm?" In an instant, the four gods and a misplaced error were lined up, seeming to forget about Fundy and Luke, who were just behind them. Luke's eyes suddenly turned an obsidian black, making Fundy jump. 

"Gah- that was unpleasant," The other made a severe understatement, the ground shook with power, "sorry, I've been trapped in my head this entire time." His eyes suddenly widened and he pulled on a blindfold, determination creasing his face. He leapt into battle, sword slashing wildly at the blood god's tentacles. 

"Wait-" Fundy blinked, taking in that all of his friends were trying to fight gods, on one side, Deo, Tommy, Luke, and Bitzel were taking on the blood god, while Wilbur and Niki faced Dream, and it almost seemed like Drista and Foolish didn't actually want to do anything- it was strange. He made his decision swiftly and chose to move over to Wilbur and Niki. 

Dream immediately swung his sword in Fundy's direction, clashing with Fundy's own, he was pushed back for a few moments before Wilbur jumped in front of him, "STAY AWAY FROM MY SON YOU BASTARD!" Niki took the opportunity to try and stab Dream in the back, but he leapt forward, clearing the three of them. His shield was raised to the arrow Wilbur shot, and tirelessly, he struck again, Niki this time, Niki had her own shield, but she was trembling under the pressure of Dream's god-like strength. Then, Dream's head whipped back at Error's screech, Fundy didn't have time to process it before Wilbur had taken Dream's weapons, right before the god's very eyes. He was so focused on taking down Dream that he didn't think to catch what Error had said.

They'd pinned Dream down after countless efforts, only to hear a terrible scream...

It was Tommy.

(710 Words)

A/N: They're slowly getting shorter and shorter as we near the ending.

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