5 - We'll Be Here for a While

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Jungkook reaches for the hem of your top, and in one swift motion, he sweeps it up and over your head. He reaches around you to undo the clasp of your bra next, which brings his face forward and right between your breasts. He kisses the soft crest of each one. It's sweet and sexy all at once—very on-brand for him.

Your bra drops to the floor, and suddenly, you're staring at him, both of you naked from the waist up.

Getting more turned on by the moment, Jungkook grins and pulls his lips to yours, his tongue exploring your mouth as his fingers close over your nipple. You're so sensitive, every nerve ending alert to his touch. And the way he sucks on your lower lip...this man knows how to use his mouth. Greedy for more of him, your hands wander over his shoulders, down his back, around to his abs.

He feels. so. good.

"Why don't we pick up where we left off in your dream?" Jungkook says between kisses. "Tell me what we were doing when you woke up and interrupted me."

You scoff and give him a light shove, but he's otherwise occupied, dipping his head to take your nipple into his mouth. He rubs his tongue over it, and the gentle sensations activate the heat deep in your core. You're already so turned on. Where will he take this little game?

Pulling the image of your dream into your mind, you start to recreate the moment. "Well, we were standing up—" and without warning, Jungkook lifts you off his lap. You're standing now, facing each other. His hands are resting on your hips as he eagerly awaits further instructions.

"These," you say, placing your hands on top of his, "were holding my waist, exactly like this." His eyes light up with endearing enthusiasm, delighted that he intuitively imitated his dream self.

"But I was facing away from you," you continue, and he spins you around, then leans into you, pressing himself against your back, just like in the dream.

"And?" he prods, nuzzling your neck.

"And," you breathe, "you were grinding against my ass, about to slide your fingers down my pants...And then I woke up."

You barely finish your last sentence before you feel his hands at your waistband—he's only too happy to oblige. "Like this?" he asks, voice low.

His fingers slip past the material, and you hold your breath as he gently inches toward the source of your heat. Jungkook's fingers make contact with your wetness, and he tenses with arousal.

"Ohh," he whispers, "I like this."

He starts exploring the sensitive folds, feeling his way around your body. You start to move against his hand, craving more friction, more pressure.

His heavy, sighing exhale signals his approval. Then he licks his lips and says, "and this is where the dream ended?"

"Mmm," you nod, unable to muster a verbal response.

He grins against your ear. "Alright. I can take it from here for a bit."

Jungkook drops to his knees and tugs off your pants and underwear in one motion, and then you're completely naked. He stands again, guiding you to climb onto the dining table behind you.

He lays you down on your back, your feet on the edge of the table and your knees in the air. His hair dips over his face again as he spreads you wide open with his fingers, exposing every inch of you.

"Mmm. Such a pretty pussy," he murmurs. Then he looks up with those dark doe eyes and, holding your gaze, he lowers his mouth to you.

His tongue is warm as it makes long, enthusiastic strokes over your sensitive folds, and you can feel your blood rushing to the area as you throb with need.

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