8 - Epilogue

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The crow roars as the beat to one of BTS's early hits kicks up on every speaker around the stadium. The ARMY bombs bounce in time to the music, and you feel the thrum of the bass under your skin.

As the members start into their chroeography, you're in complete fangirl mode, entranced by their synchronization and those sweet, sweet vocals. Damn, they really put on a show.

Every word, every move is crystal clear from where you stand, because where you stand is the freaking VIP section.

Jungkook's idea, of course. He called in the ticket for you while still cuddled up in bed...and then, noting that he really only needed 5 minutes to get ready to leave—"They do my makeup and everything over there!"—he used the remaining 15 to go down on you again. A three-orgasm day for you. He gloated about it the whole time you two were getting dressed.

Showoff, you scoff, grinning like an idiot as your eyes drift to his figure, moving in unison with the other members at the front of the formation.

The chroeo calls for hip thrusts and a body roll, and you cannot look away from Jungkook's enthusiasm and smooth sensuality.

That man and his damn energy.

Flashes of the afternoon come back to you and heat your skin as you watch him. After what you shared today, you'll never see those dance moves the same way.

The song comes to a close, and the formation disperses across the stage as the members grab water and catch their breath. Namjoon and Jin start to banter back and forth about something that gets the crowd laughing, but you're not even listening to them.

Because Jungkook is drifting closer to the VIP section, looking in your direction, like he's searching for something.

For me?!

His eyes snap to yours just as the next song begins—the one you told him was your favorite.

He smiles with that Golden Maknae glow, and you glow right back. He makes a finger heart in your direction, and hundreds of ARMYs make one back at him.

They don't know he meant it just for you.

But in this moment, you realize that's okay. You're happy to share Jungkook with all of them.

Your afternoon with him was special, and surprising, and fun and sexy as hell. Getting close with him, getting naked with him, making each other feel so good—it was beyond anything you could have imagined.

You know those memories will stay with you from now on, better than any dream.

There's a part of you that wishes so, so badly that you could keep him all to yourself.

But you know that he isn't yours alone. His gifts are meant to be shared, and he's meant to be where he can share them freely.

Holding your gaze, Jungkook raises the mic to his lips and starts to sing.

And as the entire crowd pulses along with his ethereal vocals, your eyes are locked with his, lost in a song he has changed forever by sending it out to you.

The end.

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