063 ; Uppermoon Three

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he had pure white skin with blue lines all over his body, but his most noticeable feature was his glowing yellow eyes with a large 'upper three' engraved.

he had pure white skin with blue lines all over his body, but his most noticeable feature was his glowing yellow eyes with a large 'upper three' engraved

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your heterochromiac eyes narrow,

uppermoon three. the fourth strongest from muzan...

you unsheathe your katana,

frost breathing, first form ; ice cold

you slash the demons arm in half as it aims right for tanjiros head, the demon flips back, grinning as it holds up it's sliced arm.

he licks the leftover blood as it heals, "nice katana, but i don't fight women, little lady."

you glare at him.

"now why would someone as powerful as you attack the wounded first?" kyojuro smiles.

"i thought he might interrupt the conversation we're about to have.." the demon smiles.

"what are we going to talk about? this is our first meeting, but i already hate you" he unsheathes his katana.

"of course. i also hate weak humans. when i see weakness, my skin crawls."

you frown slightly.

"you and i have very different values." kyojuro smiles widely.

"aha.. then i have a great idea.. why don't you become a demon?" he grins and holds his arm up.

"hmm.. no thanks" kyojuro frowns.

the demon narrows it's eyes at him, "i can tell your strength by looking at you. you're a hashira, right?"

you grip your handle.

"you've developed.. your fighting spirit.. to the edge of perfection."

"i am the flame hashira, kyojuro rengoku."

"i am akaza." the demon greets, "let me tell you, kyojuro, why your power will never truly reach perfection. it because you're human." it points at him, "because you age. because eventually you'll die."

you sigh.

"become a demon, kyojuro. if you do.. you can train for hundreds of years and keep getting stronger."

you click your tongue in annoyance at this demons constant rambling, you wonder why demons like to talk so much.

kyojuro certainly didn't look happy anymore as he stares at the demon.

"growing old and dying.. is what gives meaning and beauty to the fleeting span of a human life. it's precisely because we age and die.. that our lives have value and nobility. strength is not a word.. that means much in regards to the flesh. this big isn't weak. do not insult him" he refers to tanjiro.

"i'll say it again... you and i value different things. i have many reasons for not becoming a demon."

the demon narrows its eyes, "i see."

he gets into a position,

technique development, destructive death : compass needle!

"if you won't become a demon, then i'll have to kill you" it grins manically.

they both dash at each other,

first form : unknowing fire!

you furrow your eyebrows and crouch next to tanjiro, "tanjiro, you're injured.. you have to stay there. we'll just get in his way.."

he begrudgingly nods.

the demon flips over kyojuro while shouting some stuff, probably still asking him to be a demon.

you watch as the demon punches at the air, yet it's attacks still reach kyojuro.

you bite your lip as kyojuro gets in close and they exchange blows.

as your attention is on kyojuro, tanjiro goes to move.

"don't move! if your wounds open, you'll die!! it's not your time yet!" kyojuro shouts.

tanjiro freezes.

you glance at inosuke for a moment as he walks up behind you both.

you look at the battle with slight panic, clenching your right fist,

maybe.. if i can get some ice in there.. i can slow the demon down..

you go to use your quirk, but kyojuro's shout stops you, "don't even think about it! you're injured too, i can't have you dying on me either, [name]!"

you purse your lips and you see the demon raise an eyebrow.

you beg your eyes to be able to follow each move, but with your panic and the fate they're moving, they struggle to keep up.

your eyebrows crease together in worry as you catch a glimpse of kyojuro and the demon, kyojuro was panting and had blood running from his face, his left eye seemed to be smashed.

you clench your fists, eyes darting between the two.

tanjiro struggles to move his limbs, desperately trying to get inside and help.

kyojuro raises his katana i've this shoulder, the demon laughs about something with manic eyes as they both prepare attacks.

you dig your nails into your palms as they both rush at each other, with kyojuro using his biggest attack, the ninth form.

your stomach drops and your eyes widen in dread as you get a look through the smoke.

you let out a small panicked scream as you look forward.

the demons first was right through kyojuro's stomach, you cry out as kyojuro grips his katana, putting it at the demons neck and desperately pushing it forward.

you watch in complete panic as kyojuro catches a fist going for his face with his free hand, you growl and grab your katana in your left hand as the sun starts to peek over the hills.

the demon screams out as it struggles to get its fist out from kyojuro's hand and stomach.

they both let out raged screams.

"inosuke! [name]! help!! move! for rengoku's sake!!"

you both run forwards for the demon, going for its neck but it uses another attack and jumps away, ripping it's own arms off to get away from kyojuro.

you send a barrel of ice at the demon as it goes to run away, piercing it through the stomach, legs, and arms, but it pushes on with wide eyes and runs off into the forest.

you and tanjiro dash to the forest entry, you hold your katana above your hand and throw it with all your might, tanjiro doing the same.

"where are you going, you coward?!" tanjiro screams out.

"don't run away!!"

the demon looks at him in annoyance.

"the demon slayer corps are flesh-and-blood humans!our wounds don't close quickly! lost limbs don't grow back! and yet you'll only fight us in the dark of night when you have the advantage!" he screams out in rage.

"so why are you running?! jerk! coward!" he shouts out insults.

"you're afraid to admit.. that you haven't won today! rengoku hasn't lost! rengoku is stronger - much stronger than you! he saw the fight through to the end! he protected the rest of us! this is your defeat!! and the victory.. belongs to rengoku!" he pants before screaming out in rage and defeat.

you fall to the ground and cry out, tears slipping from yours and tanjiro's eyes as your raged screams merge.

words ; 1110

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