- Youre Gonna Need a Bigger Boat -

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Flake had begged Denver to watch the movie "Jaws" with them. Denver noticed Flake getting incredibly happy when the shark was on the screen.
Flake always said they hated everything, but Denver noticed Flake's enjoyment of a few things.
When Denver and Flake went on walks, Flake would always point out the blue cornflowers on the side of the trail, seeming a little more happy about them than anything else. 
Or Flake's enjoyment of birch trees, always going on about how pretty the trunks of the tree looked. Denver always tried to direct Flake's attention away from the birches, knowing that if Flake saw one, Flake would go on a whole rant about why the trees are so pretty. 
And then there was Flake's love for peppermints. Denver once overheard a conversation Flake and Lucinda had. She once told Lucinda that her favorite holiday was christmas. Lucinda asked, "Why, cause the name of the holiday has your name in it?" and when Flake would reply with "no," Lucinda would ask, "Is it because of the gifts?" And of course, Flake would shake her head. Then finally, when Lucinda would ask why, Flake said, "Because I can eat as many peppermints as I want without anyone calling me crazy."
And then there was also Flake's favorite color, yellow. Denver noticed that Till would get Flake flowers occasionally, and the flowers would always be yellow. When given the option of "what color," if yellow was an option, Flake would always choose yellow. 
And back where we started, Flake's favorite animal was a shark. She also loved cats. When Denver payed extra attention to what Flake was doing, she noticed Flake had a cat as her phone wallpaper. When Denver asked why, Flake's response was, "I just like cats." 
As much as Flake tried to hide it, he had an obsession with sharks, like how every six year old went through a dinosaur phase. Flake was going through a shark phase, but this shark phase wasn't really a phase. It was more of a life-long interest. Denver knew, because, of course, Flake would make her watch "Jaws" with her. Flake had shark stuffed animals in her room, some were quite old, Denver could tell from how dirty they were. And then there were also a few photos of sharks Flake had pinned to the wall in her room, and would get really defensive when Lucinda or Till would comment on how childish it was. 
So here the two were, sitting on the couch, watching "Jaws". Finally, the shark came on the screen. Flake smacked Denver's shoulder, trying to contain her excitement. Denver smiled. "Calm yourself," Denver teased, smiling at Flake's childish excitement.

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