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Walked in.
It was her aunty 'goddess Enyo'
The goddess of war and destruction. She was said to be strict, some said she was heartless. She was feared on the battlefield because no one could beat war herself.
    " Hello Aphro". "How are you feeling this today". Aphrodite wasn't sure she heard well. 'Did she just ask me how I was feeling, does she know'. "Oh please save me the drama princess, you know I know every technique the enemy uses in hiding, I also know you and the prince eloped last night".
      "You better treat your wounds before someone else is it. And before you ask there is a sign of claws on your skin." Now Aphrodite got more confused but first, she had to begin her mission because she had little time left before her birthday. "Get dressed your mother already told me about your mission, so as your mentor or coach or whatever you may call it  I give the orders around here because today is just the first day you have 10 minutes to get ready and meet me in your garden."
     Getting up from the bed Aphrodite shouted "Yes ma".  Aphrodite called in her too personal and loyal maids Hera 'the goddess of childbirth and marriage' and Luna 'moon goddess' to get her dressed.
      Aphrodite wore a simple pink gown with a black cover shoe and she packed her hair in a ponytail with two butterfly hair pins in her hair.
      Even though she tried to look like someone on a mission and got dressed on time she was still five minutes late. When approaching the garden she took a  deep breath and walked toward her aunt until she was close enough.
     Her Aunty led them to the tea table where her aunty served her an herb tea "Eww " Aphrodite said on tasting the tea "what did you put in this."
     "Lemon, ginger, black tea, saffron, and a couple of other herbs do you like. Drink up it will give you energy for what coming your way".
     After finally managing to drink the tea they went to the Palace library they went to the shelves first and her Aunty picked up some books about goddesses, gods, and power, and then they took their seats.
    " When finding your powers you must know that you get your powers from the combination of two elements: the power of your father a god and the power of your mother a goddess". Enyo had to ensure that Aphrodite understood the basics before she could tell her about the heartbreaking truth of what she was.
    " Firstly you have to find out what is common amongst your parents' power just like your devilish prince whose parents are night and death which makes him unseen"
     "Your parents are life and wisdom so I would give you these two books to go and study and also find something common about your parent's power.
    " And by the way that tea  is to make you stay awake for the rest of the day, good luck with that."
Enyo walked out and headed for the king and queen, it was time for her to also lecture the two birds. she knocked at the door like someone raging with anger, when she was told to come in she broke the door open she didn't even bother greeting she just got straight to the point.
    "  I have begun My mentorship, so by the end of today she will know what she is."
     "What !!! so soon.  can she even take in all that information? I told you we shouldn't have assigned her to Aphrodite." Queen Athena said.
   "You worry too much, her birthday is 3 days away. She needs to know today or tomorrow, and then from tomorrow I will explain why she never got to know".

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