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Every tale has to begin somewhere. Our stories come from places: magical places, from far and wide. The ancient stories- the most powerful ones, told from generation to generation- are kept in a dark place. They are sealed with the most powerful magic, for if they were to become a reality, the power they would hold would be too much for an ordinary person to handle.

Fortunately, they are safely sealed inside the Book of Secrets; the book never to be opened.

That is, until the day comes. The day of prophecy, when the book is opened, and the stories of old come to life, to plaque some poor, defenseless victims. Of course, it is perfectly sealed right now. Nothing to worry about. 

Until the gold seals of the book swirl and gleam bright, the secrets shall be kept in the endless night.

But what is this? The book in the dark is glowing like the sun! Oh how it gleams! The key has been found and the seal is broken! How dreadful! What shall we do? The heroes of the prophecy! They must arrive! They must find the book. 

Save the world, dear heroes, and save the stories of old and new. The fate of all tales are in your hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2022 ⏰

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