Tattoo hearts

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AN: idk why but I find tattoo artists so hot. Like please tattoo me 😻😻 but yeah, I present to you tattoo artist Haruka :)

AN pt 2: I have no idea what tats you guys want... so I'm giving y/n the tattoos I want to get when I'm old enough ☹️☹️ IM SORRY

 so I'm giving y/n the tattoos I want to get when I'm old enough ☹️☹️ IM SORRY

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"Come in." A deep female voice called out as a response to your knocking. You walk into the room, quietly admiring the half pink-half black room and several tattoo drawings plastered on the walls. You turn your attention to the tall blonde standing beside the tattooing chair.

She had short, blonde hair that perfectly framed her slightly masculine features, a black face mask sitting on her chin and sharp jawline and multiple black studs decorating her ears. She wore a black turtle neck, black pants and black Dr Martins (these are a type of boots/shoes btw), the dark colours contrasting her sparkling blue eyes that stared at you with interest. Several rings decorated her long, slim fingers that beckoned you forward.

"Hi, what would you like done?" She asked with a pearly white smile once you sat down, her 5'11 stature looming over you. You smiled back and showed her your tattoo plans from your phone; a small heart design on both the inside of your left thigh and the middle of your breasts, and a small hello kitty on the back of your ankle.

Yes these are my tattoo plans. 😇

"My, my, aren't you a wild one?" She responded teasingly, interest and surprise lacing her voice. "I get that a lot." You giggled. "Well, let's get to work. Let's start with the easiest one first." She said, pulling her mask up and gesturing to your ankle. You laid down in a position that would be easier for the tattoo artist as she got to work. You really should be focusing on the pain, but the only thing clouding your thoughts at the moment are shit, this tattoo artist is hot.

LIKE DAMN!! You came here for a tattoo, not a simp fest. You could feel your face heat up slightly and you buried your face into your arms, causing the blonde to stop what she was doing and look at you with concern. "You alright, dove?" Dove? DOVE?! You thought to yourself. You might as well have started squealing. Two can play at that game, dearest hot tattoo artist.

"I'm alright darling, thanks for your concern!" You flashed a smile at the tattoo artist, smiling to yourself as you saw their eyes widen and the slightest hint of red under their mask. They shook their head and laughed slightly under their breath before resuming their work.

~ forty five minutes or so later ~


"And... done!" They exclaimed, wiping their brow after lifting the tattoo needle of the inside of your thigh. You have to admit, as nice as it was seeing the hot blonde tattooing your forbidden spots... it hurt. Specifically your thigh, that hurt the most. You tried to not show the pain covering your upper leg and smiled weakly at the artist standing above you.

You watched as their eyebrows furrowed and their blue eyes glistened with worry. Shit, they figured it out. "You alright? Does it hurt?" She sat down next to you, placing a hand on your shoulder gently. You replied with a meek nod, already embarrassed about this. She probably thought you were weak! This is the last thing I needed! You groaned to yourself mentally.

You looked up at her, who was clearly in a train of thought. Suddenly you saw her eyes light up: the faintest glint of mischief. "Well, I may not be able to permanently help you out there..." She said as she stood up and lowered herself between your legs. "But... a kiss will make it better, right?" She exclaimed in a sing-song voice, making direct eye contact with you.

To your surprise she gently kissed the inside of your thigh, right by the tattoo. You could feel your face lighting up with a million shades of red as her soft lips made contact with your skin. "I- you-" you stuttered, earning a laugh from the blonde as she gently covers the heart with a little petroleum jelly and a bandage.

"Remove the bandage after 24 hours, and once it's off make sure you wash it gently with antimicrobial soap and water." She instructed, standing up and taking her bacterial gloves off. "Apply a layer of Vaseline ointment twice a day, and don't put on anymore bandages. Your little heart here needs to breathe." She pointing at the now bandaged tattoo.

Still flustered as heck, you tried to regain your composure and nodded along to her instructions. You stood up and brushed your lower half down, feeling the piercing yet playful gaze of the artist staring at you while you do so. Still at a loss for words, you bowed and nodded at them before turning to the door.

"Oh! And dove." She interrupted before you could walk out of the tattoo room.

"The names Haruka. Haruka Tenoh." She flashed you a smile before handing you a piece of paper with her phone number on it.

And a heart. <3


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