Chapter 11 : The Fight

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Author's Note :

  Hi readers. As you guessed from the title , yes the title says it all. Aidan vs Y|N is happening . Lol . But maybe not a physical fight but who knows.

    Also quick reminder . 4 chapters left . Actually technically 3 chapters and a short epilogue , so yeah.

    So grab your stress pills or grab your popcorn depending on your emotion and enjoy :)!


General POV :

     Aidan Ryan Gallagher had never in his entire short life thought he would have to kill Y|n . He loved her way too much to even think about it.

    But given the current circumstances , she was harming and causing pain to a lot of people . Lots of people . And Aidan was the only one who could protect them. Which was ironic considering that he was a serial killer saving lives.

    The young lad took a deep breath as he processed Y|n's words.

   Y|n looked unnaturally calm but the sadness in her voice was evident . Aidan knew that Y|n was trying to hide her heart break and betrayal she most certainly was feeling .

    Y|n L|n was certainly a remarkable women . She had thought of death a lot considering her age. But never had she imagined that it would be Aidan of all people. Y|n knew deep down that she could stop him with a single thought but for some reason she was done .

    Aidan sighed and said : "So you noticed . How though ?"

  Y|n replied truthfully : "I thought i heard noises from the kitchen and then i saw you with that knife. I didn't know what you were going to do with it. But now i do."

   Aidan was a bit taken a back. He expected Y|n to cry or fight back. But she seemed to be ready .

  He asked : "Wait. so just like that ? No question at all ?"

  Y|n smiled sadly and said : "I love you Aidan, and i know you love me too , i know you wouldn't do something to me without reason. So what are you waiting for go for it."

   Aidan took a deep breath and brought the knife to Y|n's throat while she stood still. Aidan starting to take shaky breaths and his hands were trembling .

   He had tears streaming down his eyes. As if that wasn't worse , he remembered all the good times with Y|n. He remembered his love for her . 

   But he reminded himself 'Whatever it takes'. Aidan closed his and screamed , within the next moment there was thud. 

    The knife had fallen to the ground. Aidan just couldn't bring himself to do it . He could never kill y|n . No matter what he told himself or no  matter how hard he tried . He just couldn't.

    Y|n then smiled and said : "Just as i thought." and she walked away just like that . 

   That for some reason frustrated him.

   Aidan spoke up : "I spoke to one of the citizens Y|n, free of your over sight of mind control".

  That statement caused Y|n to freeze on spot, and she looked at Aidan in shock.

  "What do you mean ?" Y|n asked pretending to be oblivious .

   "You know exactly what i mean Y|n . And don't even start to lie about something this serious . I hate lies and hate liers more."

   "So let me get this straight , a crazy person told you i was mind controlling the world and you believed him ?!" Y|n asked mortified .

   Aidan countered her getting angrier by the the minute : "I never mentioned anything about mind controlling the world. How do you know that ?"

   Y|n's calm and collected face turned into a annoyed one and said : "I ... You know what i am done Talking to you about this. You will forget this anyway."

  And she was about to walk away when Aidan said said : "You can't control me Y|n , like you control the rest of them. I even remember the cop incident yesterday."

   Y|n now had a serious expression . A new expression that he had never seen before . She said "Can't I ?"

   And then she walked away from the living room. She had just threatened him. Ignored him. Most of all she knew what she was doing . She wasn't doing it unconsciously like he originally thought.

   That just made his blood boil. Aidan's hazel eyes turned a deeper shape of dark black eyes and he stormed after Y|n and began to yell "THEY HAVE FAMILIES Y|N AND HOMES, AND NONE OF THEM WILL EVER BE HAPPY CAUSE YOU WON'T LET THEM!"

  Y|n replied : "I don't know what your talking about !" lying again.

  That was the last straw . Aidan went full serial killer mode and he grabbed the other knife he had picked earlier, and he yelled at her in a dark voice : "STOP LYING TO ME !!!!", and he threw the knife aiming for Y|n's head.

   But to his shock and surprise Y|n's eyes turned dark as well and she grabbed the knife mid air and threw it back at him and the knife landed just besides his neck barely missing .

   And Y|n said in a chillingly dark loud yet quite voice : "THIS ..... ALL OF THIS... IS FOR US !!!!"

  Aidan replied : "How are you even doing this ? How long have you been controlling everyone ? How long have you been controlling me!!!! ?"

    Y|n looked at Aidan and calmed down and replied confused : "Aidan you have never yelled at me before...."

   Aidan screamed at her again : "Really ? well i guess when the person whom you are supposed to love is mentally hurting you and the entire world , then wiping memories of it... things change ! I don't even remember anything in the past 2 years Y|n. I don't remember anything ! I don't even know what's real now !" He was in tears now.

   Y|n's heart broke. Aidan just had a emotional break down. She said : "You are Aidan Gallagher, father of our 3 children and my husband soon-to-be, your a nice person whom i love more than anything or anyone else . your my first love and the only person whom i trust more than anyone in this world. Isn't that enough ?"

   Aidan shook his head and calmed down as well. He wasn't in serial killer mode any longer as well. He said : "Y|n what you are doing is wrong . Please if not for me then for our children , please stop this madness".

   Y|n sat on the bed and put her hands on her head and said : "Do you really believe i am controlling everything ? that i am putting extinct to serial killers , banning drug addicts getting justice for everyone ? That i am getting everyone to their dentist appointments in time ?"

   Aidan sighed . She had unconsciously spoken the truth . Before he could reply the door bell rang . He sighed again. It was obviously Y|n . She looked at Aidan and said "that wasn't me . But you don't believe me do you ?"

 He nodded sadly . At this point trust was a far fetch now.

   The door bell rang again . And Aidan got up in frustration and opened the door . And then he stood there in shock .... It was none other than.........

...............ALLISON .


Author's Note:

Hi readers ! How was the chapter ?!



This was the first time i made a oc fight someone whose a good guy as well , especially aidan, cause i never did that in the other book. 

And who noticed the WANDAVISION parallel ?

Well hope you all enjoyed ! :)

See you soon ,




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