One more night

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"Are you sure you want me to leave?" I sighed and nodded. "Yeah I'll be okay. I just need time to myself." "Okay well you know you can always call." I smiled and nodded. "Yes hyung I know. I'm okay really." "Tae it's okay to not be. You were together since middle school." I sighed and nodded softly. "Yeah but I'm okay. Really I am. He'll always be special to me but it's time to start a new chapter in my life."

"Tae he left you for some else how are you okay with it? And a girl out of all people!" "We were young he should be allowed to explore himself it's been what 11 years? Hyung it's not fair to him. He's young and attractive he could get anyone he wants. We can't blame him for wanting to explore himself." "He didn't have to do what he did to you."

"Yeah I know.. but I don't blame him." "You're too good for this world.." He hugged me and I smiled softly hugging back. "I'll be okay." He kissed my head and squeezed me softly. "My train isn't till tomorrow night okay? I'm here if you need me." I nodded and he pulled back cupping my face. "Mom would be so proud of the man you've become."

I smiled softly and rubbed his wrist. "Yeah says the doctor." "Oh stop it! If this happened to me I wouldn't be half as strong. That boy was your whole world. You are so much stronger than you think." I smiled softly and kissed his cheek. "I'll call you tomorrow." He sighed and nodded softly kissing my forehead.

"I'll stop by for lunch before I leave." "Okay I'll see you then." He nodded and moved back grabbing his bags. I walked with him to the door and leaned on it watching him go to his car. He got his stuff in the car and looked back at me. I smiled softly waving to him and he waved back getting in his car leaving.

I sighed and closed the door staring at the lock. I bit my lips together and left it unlocked walking away. I started cleaning to distract myself. I herd my phone go off and I walked over looking at it.

💬Tae lock the door.

I huffed and ignored it tossing my phone going back to the kitchen. I wiped down the counters and tucked my hair behind my ear. I started to tear up and blinked just ignoring it. I stopped and looked around. It's so quiet.. I didn't know how big this house really was till I was alone in it.

I bit my bottom lip and finished leaning the kitchen. I herd something outside and ran to the window looking outside. I sighed seeing my neighbor taking his dog out and walked back turning the kitchen lights off.

I left the lamp on in the living room looking back at the door before going upstairs. I know it's not safe to leave the door unlocked but he always loses his keys. I went in our room and walked to the closet going to his side. When he left he didn't take a lot. All his stuff is still here. The other night Jin used his body wash and I almost broke down in tears.

It feels like it's been so long since I've smelt him. It's only been a week and I have no idea how I'm going to stay here alone. We got this house together three years ago everywhere I look there's either photos or a reminder of him. I know he never meant to hurt me but seeing his stupid perfect smile is starting to make me mad.

I can't get myself to go on social media cause if I see photos of them together I will lock myself in the house and start burning shit. I grabbed his shirt and held it to my nose smiling softly. I hate that I can't hate him..

I took it off the hanger and walked out going to shower.

Jungkook POV

I rubbed my mouth sniffling and tried calling again. He still didn't answer.. I bit my lips together and felt something drop on my cheek. I looked up and huffed. "You've got to be kidding me." It started raining and I pulled my hood up wiping off my phone and tried texting him. "Did he block me?" I huffed and nodded stuffing my phone in my pocket. "Of course he blocked me I practically cheating led on him."

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