I Do

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"Madame, the king himself has instructed me himself to be solely in charge of this affair," the duke tried reassuring Lady Tremaine as André and Dominique ran around the huge table and wondrous cake, eyes and grins big. "I assure you, I have it entirely under control."

"Oh, really?"

Dominique swiped at the cake and shoved it into his mouth greedily.

"It's perfect!" André squealed, loving it even more. He took a bouquet of roses. "They smell lovely." He inhaled deeply.

"Dispose of those roses at once," the mother interrupted. "André's health is quite..."

"ACHOO!" André interrupted loudly, sniffling.

"...delicate. I'm quite sure I mentioned that to you."

"Madame, I do not..."

"Quite sure."

Sighing, he continued hesitantly, "Yes...well, perhaps the young men would like to sample the hors d'oeuvres?"

They looked at all of the food, Dominique going to shove everything he saw in his mouth.

"Your Grace," Lady Tremaine interrupted. "A word."

Groaning, he turned with the biggest, fakest smile.

"These perpetrations are entirely unacceptable..."

While she continued to complain, André watched in disgust as his brother shoved his face. "What a pig."

Growling at him, he took the apple out of the roasted pig and shoved it into his mouth. "Who's the pig, now?"

He spat it back out at him, only stopping when the duke looked around to check on them.

"You call this a cake? This wedding must reflect my son's elegance. Dominique will be singing at the ceremony."

"Gah! Are you sure that's a good idea?"

But once he was gone, Dominique spat food into André's face. Angrily wiping up off, took a fried fish that Lucifer was trying to eat and flung it at his brother.


"Oh, wait 'till you meet him, Dad! He has everything! Breeding, refinement..."

"Yes, yes," F/n chuckled as the princess opened up the door...only to be nearly hit with some green substance, the duke running around like crazy.

"No!" he cried as the cake toppled over.

Leaning in, F/n whispered, "Are we in the right room?" Angrily, he stormed towards the duke, who was hastily picking everything up. "YOU! How could you let this happen?!"

The duke chuckled nervously. "Don't mind this. I shall have it cleaned up in no time."

"See that you do!" He boomed, leaning in closer, menacingly. "I want this wedding to go off without a hitch! Otherwise..." He dragged his throat across his finger, still overprotective of his precious daughter, even if she was getting married.

The duke dropped to his knees, pleading, "Oh, no, sire! I can explain! I, well, you see..."

Finding a way to get the duke out of trouble, Y/n helped André up and away from the mess, cake still on his head, introducing, "Father, allow me to introduce you to my fiancé, André."

"It's an honor, Your Majesty." He leaned forward in a bow.

"Charmed, I'm sure." He held out his hand, the cake on top of André's head falling into it. The duke offered a tray for the king to put it on, but he instead wiped it on the front of his shirt.

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