Dreams Come True

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Okay, for some reasons, the outfit pictures won't stay up. I'll mess with it later.

Once upon a time...

Since the wedding, André had been given a room close to the dungeon. Y/n had wanted to throw him in with the former Lady Tremaine, now only a Mrs., and Dominique, but Elliot and F/n had been able to persuade her to do otherwise. However, she still wanted him as far away from her and her husband as possible. He has at least escaped the fate of becoming a hall boy.

He now sat alone in his bedroom, listening to a music box modeled after the prince and princess dancing together, smiling to himself as it spun strong, closing it quickly when his bedroom doors swung open. It was his mother, Dominique behind her. He glared at André, never ceasing in his hatred since the wedding day.

He shifted back and forth between them nervously, looking down at his feet. 'Why am I still so afraid of them?'

Because Y/n had refused his protection against them, Mrs. Tremaine and Dominique could come in and out as they pleased without worry of punishment, no matter how desperately Elliot had wanted to keep them away from his reformed stepbrother.

After a long silence, Mrs. Tremaine said, "Cinderelliot's ball of tomorrow. Every noble maiden in the kingdom will be there. If you want to find wife, you have to make the most out of this opportunity." She continued to speak to both of them, but glared at André or of the corner of her eye. "I won't let you fall me again."

He looked back down again, cringing at the helplessness in his voice. "Yes, Mother..."

"Yes, Mother," Dominique replied after, still glaring at André. "Although, of course, we wouldn't have to worry about this if somebody had just married the princess."

"Dominique, not now."

"Well, I'm just saying. After all, what's the point in trying when the entire kingdom hates us now!"

"Never worry, my dear. A beautiful girl won't care. A perfect appearance is the only way to attract a proper lady," Mrs. Tremaine encouraged, elegantly moving herself towards the window. "We shall find you women of wealth. And nobility."

Dominique "Maybe a countess. Or a duchess!"

She smiled a bit at his enthusiasm. "Precisely. Come along, now. We need suits for the both of you."

"With new shoes!" Dominique added, excitedly following her while André crept slowly behind.

"The fancier, the better," his mother agreed as André shut the door behind him, but not before first looking back at his music box. Maybe he could find true live with a countess or a duchess...


Elliot slipped out of the back of the castle, dressed in his old clothes. He shushed the birds that twittered to him.


"Morning, Cinderelly."

He looked down at a few mice that had followed him out.

"Why are you dressed like that?" Jaq asked.

"I'm going to the market in disguise so no one will recognize me. I want to surprise Y/n with a garland of flowers."

"Boo, you took my idea."

He turned and saw Y/n in a commoner's dress, holding a basket and her hair messier than usual.

"Oh...sorry, Y/n." He brightened at an idea. "How about we go together and then we can surprise each other when we get back."

"Okay!" she agreed, skipping over to him.

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