Chapter 2 - Honey Nut Cheerios

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"Shit." Jennie hisses as her hand twitches, causing the razor to skid down slightly and knick her near her knee. "Fuck." She literally cuts herself every single time she attempts to shave her legs. It's not like she has much to shave anyway, but it has been ingrained in her, by herself, that she shouldn't have any leg hair, so she shaves it as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, it doesn't happen very often, so she's a little out of practice. And if there's one thing that Roseanne knows about her that nobody else does, it's that she's squeamish as fuck, and hates the sight of blood.

She sees a small stream start to trickle down her wet shin, mixing with the water and making it look like there is more than there actually is. The sight of it makes her stomach turn, creating a queasy, unsettled feeling in the pit of her gut. Ugh. "Rosie?" She calls from the bathroom. No answer. Oh man, she's not feeling too hot. "Rosie?" She asks again, much more panicked. She sees a droplet of blood fall and hit the corner of the sink. Ew. ew ew ew. Oh man, is it hot in here? She presses a small piece of toilet paper onto the cut to try and stop the bleeding, but the blood soaks through and Jennie feels it on her fingers. "Rosie!"

"What do you want?" Roseanne calls lazily from the living room.

Jennie swallows, covering her eyes with her free hand. "I'm bleeding."


"Yes, again, you asshole."

"Just do the toilet paper thing."

"It's not working!"

"You're probably doing it wrong!"

The queasy feeling intensifies. Jennie groans in frustration. "Rosie, come on."

A loud, exhausted sigh comes from the living room and Roseanne walks into the cramped bathroom, crossing her arms and looking down at Jennie. She looks like she's trying not to laugh. "Jennie, seriously? That's got to be the smallest cut yet."

Jennie scowls. "It won't stop bleeding."

"One sec." Roseanne sighs, leaving the bathroom and coming back with a tube of chapstick. She knocks Jennie's hand out of the way with her fingers. "I knew you were doing it wrong. You've really gotta push it into the cut--"

Jennie shuts her eyes, groaning. "Ew, stop. Please."

Roseanne chuckles. "Alright, hold still." She reaches forward and scraps the bloody piece of toilet paper. Jennie can feel the blood near her knee collecting again, getting ready to drip down. Roseanne sighs. "Jeez, Jennie. How do you always manage to do this to yourself?"

"Please just hurry up and cover it." Jennie mumbles, having a million rebuttal arguments but letting them die on the tip of her tongue. Roseanne is helping her, after all. Roseanne blots the cut a few times with a paper towel and then puts some chapstick on the tip of her index finger. "My mom taught me this trick." She says. "To stop the bleeding." She presses her finger to the cut, covering it with chapstick. It stings but Jennie refuses to let Roseanne know that. Roseanne holds her leg by the shin and then tilts it to the side, leaning in and examining the small cut critically. Her face melts into an easy smile.

"There. See? All better." She says, a little condescendingly, sending Jennie a smug grin. "Want me to kiss it too?"

Jennie scowls further. "Go away."

"You're welcome!" Roseanne calls behind her as she saunters back into the living room. Jennie sighs, wiping the tub down before following Roseanne, flopping down on the couch next to her and staring at the wall where a TV should be. They keep meaning to get one, but every time they look at them online, they end up finding something else they want more. Like an expensive rice cooker. Or a Soda Stream. Or some other useless junk that their kitchen doesn't have any room for.

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