Chapter 26

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Jennie's POV

"Yah Lisa!"

Tzuyu shouted while chasing Lisa .. I smiled at their cuteness ..

"Where's our next destination for tomorrow?"

Rosie said while eating her junk foods..

"Hiking is exciting"

Jisoo shortly replied..

"What do you think Jennie?"

They both look at me..

"I think it's great .."

I smiled ..

"Did we miss something?"

Tzuyu said and sat beside Jisoo ..

"We're planning to go hiking tomorrow .. Are you guys want to come?"

Rosie replied..

"Sure why not .."

LiTzu replied in unison ..

"Look the sunset!"

Tzuyu exclaim while looking at the Sunset .. btw since it's Saturday we decided to go here at the beach.. We need relaxation ..

"The sunset is beautiful isn't it?"

Lisa said from nowhere ..

"Yeah it is"

Tzuyu said while smiling looking at the beautiful sunset ..

"Jen can you help me to get beer and snacks at the car?"

I nodded to Jisoo and we both go to Tzuyu's car since we don't have a car that registered here in Seoul .. Tzuyu's car are always our service ..

"How to say I like you without saying it?"

Jisoo ask me while we're walking ..

"Efforts always win a heart"

I replied ..

"But what if that person didn't like me?"

I look at her.. She's just looking at our way to the car ..

"We all started at things that we are the only one who can felt the love but if you want to win that person heart then do some efforts to show how much you love him/her.. but if you notice that everything is not okay don't expect her/him to love you back"

I replied ..

"Does it mean loving her secretly is better than confessing my feelings to her?"

She asked ..

"If you feel that she's not into you don't push yourself on her.. It's better to hide your feelings.. It's better loving that person secretly than confessing then everything will change between you and her"

I said and open Tzuyu's car door to get some beer..

"Then where's the effort there Jennie?"

I stop on my spot .. I don't know what to answer ..

"We can still try to tell our feelings to them .. We can still do some efforts .. It doesn't mean if she/he didn't like us .. The important is we choose to confess and try our best to win their heart .. Sometimes if we stay quiet about our feelings the pain is much hurtful.."

Jisoo added while getting snacks ..

"I don't care if she didn't like me .."

She added and lock the car door..

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