05: Telling Him

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Diana's POV:

                                                                                      The next day

When I woke up I checked the time to see that it was 12:00. I got up really quick because I only had 1 hour to get ready for lunch with Dr.Brett. I went to my closet to find something to wear. After a few minutes of trying to find an outfit. I put on black jeans with an oversize shirt that covered my belly. When I checked the time again it was 12:50. I only have 10 minutes to finally get ready. While I was brushing my teeth I heard a knock on the door. So I went to answer it and it was Dr.Brett. He didn't say anything so I ran to get my phone. When I got my phone I saw a message from Selena. " You better tell him about the pregnancy today or I will track your phone and go tell him myself." I went back to the front door to find Br.Brett still standing there. Once he saw me he started to walk away from the door and I started to follow him out. When we got to his car he opened the door for me and I got in. Once he shut my door he went to his side and got in. Then we started to drive to the place we are having lunch.

Once we got to the restaurant we both got out of the car at the same time. Once our waiter brought us to our seat she asked us what we wanted to drink. I ordered water and Dr.Brett got some wine that I don't know the name of. After taking our order she left our table.We didn't talk while looking at the menu. When the waiter brought back our drinks we ordered our food. Once the waiter got our order she left and I decided to be the first to speak. " So do you come here with your wife." he looked at me " I don't have a wife." "Oh ok" we didn't speak after that. When the waiter came back with our food we started eating. While I was eating I was thinking of how I should tell him. Once we got done with our food he paid and we left.

Once we got into the car he drove away from the restaurant so I finally decided to tell him now. " So, I want to tell you something," He looked at me with a confused look but nodded his head.

" The baby is," I was scared to tell him because of his reaction but I had to finish telling him. "Yours." After I said that he looked at me with a happy but confused look on his face but he said to me. " How can the baby be mine?" ' I didn't know what to tell him so I kept quiet. He didn't say anything either. Once we got to my house I knew he wasn't going to say anything so I opened the door and left to go in the house.

Br.Brett' POV:

Once Diana left my car I started to drive away. I was confused how she was pregnant with my baby. Once I got home I went straight to my bedroom to get ready for work. While I was getting ready for work I was still thinking of how that was my baby but I pushed it away to finish getting ready for work. Once I got done getting ready I left for work still thinking about Diana and the baby.

Diana's POV:

" You told him about the baby and he didn't say anything about it" Selena said sitting on my couch. When I got home I found Selena on the couch and I knew why she was here. " Yep, I told him in the car, but after that we didn't speak to each other after that." After talking with Selena about me and Dr.Brett. When she left I took a shower and went to bed. 

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