14: Waking Up Together

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Diana's POV

                                                                           The morning after

I woke up this morning feeling something cuddle up against me. So I looked and saw Dr.Brett after I saw him I remembered our night last night. I heard Maddy's cries but I tried to get up. Dr.Brett was holding me down while still asleep. It took me a few minutes to pry his hands off me but I did. I went to get Maddy but the time I got back he was awake looking at me. Instead of saying anything he pulled me back on the bed and we went back to sleep.

Once I woke up again I looked beside me to find that Dr.Brett was already awake and looking at me. " Why are you looking at me?" I asked him. " I can't look at my beautiful girlfriend" I blushed after his comment. But before I could say anything I heard Maddy's cries. So I got up to go get her while Dr.Brett went to make breakfast. While he was cooking I went behind him. " What are you making?" He looked behind to look at me. " Pancakes and eggs." He looked at the food to finish cooking. While he was finishing cooking I decided to play with Maddy for the time being.

Once he finished cooking he set the food on the table. " Breakfast is ready!" He yelled from the kitchen. After he said that, I went to the kitchen with Maddy. Once I sat down I wanted to feed Maddy first. Once I got done feeding Maddy I decided to eat. But before I could eat I looked at Dr.Bretts plate and saw that he didn't eat his food. " Why didn't you eat while I was feeding Maddy?" I gave him a confused look. " I wanted to wait until you got done feeding Maddy so we could eat breakfast together." I smiled at them and then went back to eating my food before it got cold.

After breakfast Dr.Brett left to go to work leaving me and Maddy. While I was in the middle of watching TV I got a call from Selena. " Hey girl, how are you?" She said over the call. " That's the first time you wanted to know how I am today." " Well I still love my bestie but I was about to ask how my little Maddy is doing." " Just because she is your god daughter doesn't mean you can call her your little girl." " I am your best friend. I am also Maddy's other mom." We talked for a while before I heard Maddy cry so I said goodbye to Selena and tried to make Maddy stop crying.

I spent the whole day taking care of Maddy. While Dr.Brett was working. I was hungry so I went to the refrigerator to see if we had any food but when I looked there was no food so I got Maddy ready and we left to get something to eat. Once we got to the grocery store and I went to get groceries for the next few days. Once I got home I opened the door to find Dr.Brett sitting on my couch. " What are you doing here?" I asked him right when I walked through the door. Once he saw the bags that I had in my hand he got up and walked to me to grab them from me. He went to the kitchen with the bags and set them down on the table and started to take them out of the bag. While he was doing that I got Maddy out of the stroller and sat on the couch waiting for him to get done. Once he got done he came into the living room to find me sleeping on the couch with Maddy in my arms.

Dr.Brett's POV

Once I got done putting the food up I went to the living room to find Diana sleeping on the couch while holding Maddy in her arms. I went closer to pick up Maddy from her arms and put her in her bed. Once I got Maddy in her bed I went back to the living room and picked up Dinan from the couch and put her in her bed. Once I got her fully on her bed and put the covers on her. I was staring at her for a few minutes until I got closer and kissed her on her forehead. Then I left them to sleep. 

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