Ariela's Tavern (Night)

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Normal POV

Upon entering the tavern, Zael, Dagran, Lisa, and Irenne were greeted by Lowell and Syrenne. "Aha, what's this about then?" Lowell asked as he place his hands on his hips, "Not bad, not bad at all!" Syrenne added with a teasing smile. As she approached them, Dagran figured that Syrenne had a couple drinks before they entered. "Something wrong?" Zael asked, "It's OK. I get it. No need to explain." Syrenne answered as she backed away, "No one's judging you here!" she then raised her hands as if she was surrendering. "Zael, I have to say... Well done, mate." Lowell said to Zael, "I guess this mean he's taking after you now, Lowell. That's a pity." Syrenne scoffed. "Yep, all my hard work's paid off. I'm so proud of the lad! But who would have thought Dagran had it in him, especially with a dark beauty." Dagran and Irenne shared a confused glance before realizing what Lowell meant, "It's not like that. Listen to me." Zael spoke up.

"Sounds like quite an adventure." Syrenne commented once Zael and Dagran finished their story on how they met Lisa and Irenne, "Anyways, now that's settled, time for a nice bath." She then turn her attention to Lisa and Irenne. "Care to join me? The two of you've been running around all day. You must be all hot and sweaty." "Oh, well, yes." Lisa said quietly, "What?! Syrenne!" Zael interjected. "What? Is there a problem?" Syrenne asked innocently, "Oh. You and Dagran want to get in with us, don't you?" she teased. "No! I mean, I'm not saying it wouldn't be nice, but... Wait, that sounds really bad! I just mean yes. I mean no!" Zael said, completely flustered. "What's the problem? Get in the bath with them." Lowell commented as Syrenne laughs.


Dagran's POV

The nerve... As I made my way downstairs, I thought back to another time where I felt just as embarrassed. *"Come on, Dagran. What are you covering up for?" Lowell asked me, "What business is it of yours?" I countered, feeling somewhat defensive. "Come on. We're all blokes here. Nothing to be ashamed of." I turned away, only for him to grab the towel wrapped around my waist. "Hey! Stop that!" But it was too late, and I had to turn around to get my towel back, "Hmm, not bad! Doesn't hold a candle to mine, of course!" Lowell commented. I can feel a blush forming across my face as I quickly took back the towel and wrapped it around my waist again, "Ridiculous! As if this is some real victory to be proud of!"*

"Dagran?" I shook the memory out of my head to see Irenne looking at me, "Are you all right? Your face is completely red." It was then I noticed how close Irenne was standing to me. "Y-yeah. Just a little flustered, that's all." I replied, "But what about you and Lisa? Are you two all right?" Irenne smiled a bit. "We're fine. To be honest, Lisa has never really been to a place like this before. And I don't blame her since everyone here is so lively." She said before a couple of drunken men called out to her, "Hey, pretty lady! Bring us more drink and have some company with real men!" I felt tempted to more than glare at them, only for Irenne to laugh a bit. "Oh, dear. If I didn't know any better, I'd say Lisa and I have suddenly grown popular." She said, I had to laugh as well. "You could say that again." I replied, somehow feeling a bit better about it. "I think I'd better join Syrenne and Lisa. I'll see you around, Dagran." And with that, she headed up the stair. She looked back and smiled before continuing her way. I felt myself smile a bit before noticing Lowell talking to Mirania, both of them seem troubled about something. From the corner of my eye, I notice Zael approaching me. "Have you spoken to Mirania and Lowell?" I asked him, only for Zael to shake his head. "It sounds like there might be a spot of trouble. You should go and see them."


Normal POV

Zael nodded and heading toward Lowell and Mirania, only for him to notice that something was really troubling them. "What's wrong? You both look miserable." He said, prompting the ice mage to answer. "There's this boy, Warren. The guy who owns the place took him in. He's a good kid." "But he appears to have something of a rare illness." Mirania added, "He needs a particular medicine. We've been searching tirelessly for it, but we've yet to find any." Hearing this makes Zael understand why they were troubled. "So that's why you were gone yesterday. Have you got any kind of lead?" He asked, "Sort of. We spoke to a trader who deals in it. But he said he got attacked by bandits and they took his whole supply." Lowell answered. "Where's the kid now?" the younger mercenary asked, "He's sleeping upstairs." The healer replied, prompting Zael to remember hearing coughing in one of the rooms on his way down.

Heading upstairs, Zael heard the coughing again before deciding to enter. Inside, he notice Ariela kneeling next to a bed occupied by a little boy. "Oh, hello Zael." Ariela greeted when she notice the mercenary by the door, "I spoke to Lowell and Mirania. I had to come and visit Warren." Zael explains, earning a weak smile from the barmaid. "Cheers. He never gets to talk to anyone but me and Dad. He'll be so happy." She then help Warren sit up in his bed, telling him that he has a visitor. "You're a mercenary, aren't you?" he asked, prompting Zael to nod in confirmation. "That's so amazing. I wanna be a mercenary too when I grow up. But I guess I can't. I'm too sick." Warren said before looking down discouraged, "No. You'll get better, and then you'll be the strongest mercenary there ever was! Just you wait and see!" Zael said. This cheer the little boy up, "Thanks. Hey, you must've been to tons of different places. Next time you'll have to tell me all about them." Warren commented before Zael help him back down into bed when the mercenary notice how the boy is slowly growing tired. "Anytime, Warren!" Zael said quietly before Ariela spoke up, "Zael... thank you." Zael nodded before leaving the room.


Lowell's POV

As Zael went upstairs, Mirania and I want over to Dagran– somehow having a feeling that Dagran have asked Zael to check in on us. I filled him in on what was bothering us, only for Dagran to have this funny look on his face. He remember coming across a warehouse where the bandits are talking about some sort of medicine– the exact medicine we were looking for. It took a bit to convince Dagran into staging a break-in before going upstairs to let Zael know, and I caught him coming out of the room where Warren is. "We found the medicine." I informed the younger mercenary, "Really?!" he exclaimed with a smile on his face. "Yeah. But there's a catch." I added before Mirania spoke up, "It's apparently been hidden in the warehouse the bandits use."

"That medicine's worth a lot. Those rotten bandits are looking to make a tidy profit." I explained as the smile on Zael's face vanish, "That's despicable." He said. "So we've been talking about how to get it off them." I replied, "We can't simply ask them and expect that they'll give it to us." Mirania added. "Which is why we're mounting a break-in. We're going to bust into that bandits' hideout. Are you ready?" I asked, only for Zael to quickly reply "Yes, let's go." Those bandits are going to regret their decision in robbing that trader...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2022 ⏰

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