Chapter 7

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Hearing a knock on my window, I jump and look up to see Alexander's friend stood there looking at me.
Opening the door cautiously I just looked at him, and waited for him to talk.

"I'm sorry about earlier, I didn't know who you were. Do you need a ride home? You obviously can't drive?" He asks me gently.

Feeling shocked, I just nod and hand him my keys. He takes them, and smiles at me.

"No cara, we'll take my car," He replies. "Can you collect yours tomorrow? I'm going home once I drop you off." He explains to me.

"Oh okay, yeah that will work thank you." I reply quietly.

He hands me back my keys, and after grabbing my clutch and the leather jacket I'd left in the car, I locked up and followed him to his car at the other side of the lot.

He walks over to a really expensive looking black one and unlocks it. He opens the door for me to get in, and I thank him and climb in quickly. He gets in and we set off.

"So what's your address?" He asks me.

"437 Hudson View," I reply quickly.

He nods, and starts driving in the right direction.

"So you saved John? That must of been very scary cara, and how exactly were you hurt?" He asks sounding curious.

"Yeah, I saved him. He stopped breathing in front of me, I did CPR until he breathed again," I reply tiredly. "It actually wasn't that scary. I got hurt catching him as he collapsed, he was in his bathroom when I realised he needed help, collapsing in there, well there wasn't enough room and I bashed my head on the toilet as we fell." I shrug tiredly.

He nods, and looks over at me.

"So what position did you work as for John?" He asks me.

"Personal assistant for four years. He was like the Dad I lost all over again, him and Margaret became like extended family to me. I loved my job too, but I'll be okay, I've been applying everywhere, so we'll see." I reply shrugging.

I can feel his stare on me as we drive down the freeway, but ignore it and just stare out into the blackness.

We reach my house quickly, and he gets out to open my door, surprising me.

"Thank you for the lift, and for listening. I'm sorry if I spoiled your evening out." I say embarrassed.

"It was my pleasure cara, you didn't spoil my evening anyway, I have work tomorrow so didn't drink. And you were fine, I asked you questions anyway.
Good night Arianna, and good luck with your job hunting." He replies and gets into his car, driving away quickly.

As I enter my house, I realise I never even asked him his name!?

Changing and collapsing into bed exhausted, I fall asleep thinking of dreamy blue eyes, and a mysterious dark haired man.

Vote and Comment please? Becki xx

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