Chapter 19

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The next morning, I'm woken up by my phone ringing loudly from beside the bed. Groaning, I get up and lean slowly over to grab it.

Seeing that it's an unknown number, I put it on silent and crawl back into bed, still tired.
Once I'm comfy I groan again, as I hear someone knocking downstairs.
Getting up, I pad barefoot downstairs slowly, and try to make out who it is at the door. Putting the chain on before I unlock it, I open the door to see Mel stood there, nervously.
Shocked at seeing her stood there, my mouth drops open.

"Mel?!" I cry, taking the chain off, and pulling her into a hug as best I could with my bump in the way.

She smiles at me tiredly, and returns the hug gently.
Hearing shouts from across the road, I grab her and drag her roughly inside, surprising her.

"Hey, what's wrong?" She asks, sounding slightly alarmed.

"Fûcking reporters won't leave me alone." I grumble, pîssed off.

Walking down the hall, and into the kitchen I pray I have something edible left here to eat, and start opening the cupboards in search of food. I hear Mel follow me, and take a seat at the table behind me.

"Uh, Aria, what are you doing?" I hear her ask me.

"Looking for food. I'm starving." I grumble, and groan loudly when all I find is a can of soup, and some out of date bread sticks left in the cupboards.

Turning back to her, I see her eyes widen fully taking me in.

"Wow, your bump's huge now." She replied, smiling widely.

Sticking my tongue out at her for pointing out the obvious. I walk past her and up to my room to shower, and change.

"Hey, where you going now?" I hear her call out, as I go upstairs.

"To get dressed, looks like we're going out for food before I eat you, I'm sure you'll taste very nice with canned soup." I call cheekily down to her.

Stripping off and getting into the shower, I wash myself and my hair as quick as I can manage. Getting out, I dry off and pull on some panties and a bra, and walk to my closet.

Not much will fit me in here, and I shout at myself mentally for not bringing my bags up here yesterday.
Walking out onto the landing, I lean over to see if I can spot Mel.

"Hey Mel? Can you fetch me my blue case up, I don't have anything up here that fits anymore?" I shout down to her loudly.

"Yeah, sure Aria, be right up." She calls back.

Sitting on my bed, I wait for her to get up here.
She finally comes through my door with the case, and places it beside me. I get up and open it, immediately grabbing a purple maternity dress, and pulling it over my head. Going over to my dresser, I turn the hair dryer on and make quick work of my long hair. Once it's dry, I tie it into a pony tail, and pull some flat sandals on.

Standing up, I see Mel watching me closely.

"You okay?" I ask her.

She nods, and remains quiet. Shrugging at her, I grab my bag and make my way back down, ready to go out for food. Mel follows behind me, and we go get my car from the garage.

Getting in, I wait for her to buckle up, and then set off for the nearest IHOP eagerly, after Mel suggests it.
As we drive past the paparazzi camped out on my street, they take pictures as we go by.

"Wow, they're really out in force, huh?" Mel asks, sounding annoyed.

"Yeah, I guess so," I reply absently, and we continue the drive in silence until we get there.

Parking up outside, I notice the parking lot isn't that full, and get out. Entering, and getting in line I don't pay much attention to my surroundings, until someone comes to stand beside me. Turning and smiling thinking it's Mel, the smile drops off my face when I see that it's Xavier stood next to me instead.

Ignoring him, and not wanting to make a scene, I place my large order and pay.
The cashier tells me that they'll bring my order to my table for me and I thank her, before finding somewhere to sit.

Chosing an empty table near the windows, I spot Mel sat on the bonnet of my car, looking around nervously.
Xavier takes a seat across from me and just stares at me, making me uncomfortable.

"Why are you here?" I ask him tiredly.
Before he can reply, the chair next to me moves as someone else sits there. Turning around confused, I come face to face with an exact replica of Xavier. Blanching, I openly gape at them both feeling faint.

No freaking way!?

"Now will you listen to me, cara?" Xavier asks me softly.
I nod numbly at him, and scoot away from whoever was sat beside me.

"This is my twin brother, Xander. Xander, meet the mother of my child Arianna, and the woman I love, the same woman you've driven from my life, with your pettiness." He replies angrily.

I look at the man sat beside me in shock. He just frowns at me, and glares over at Xavier.

"Go on then, tell her the fûcking truth Xander. How you plotted with that slût to drive us apart?!" he demands angrily. ''Well good job brother, you kept me away from my unborn child too, bravo." He shouts loudly, attracting unwanted attention.

I stare at Xavier stunned. Is he telling the truth right now?

"Look I'm sorry Xavier, I didn't know she was pregnant when I did it. I really am sorry," he says looking over at my still shocked face,  "Jade never mentioned how happy you were together, either. I'm sorry for falling for her tricks, too." He mumbles in a voice scarily like Xavier's.

The cashier breaks up the tense staring match the brother's have going on, as she places my food in front of me.

"Thank you," I mumble weakly to her.
She nods, and hurries away from the table.

I stare down at my food, no longer hungry. I feel sick at what I've just learned. Xavier never cheated on me. He was innocent all along? Feeling like I was going to throw up, I push my chair back and rush towards the bathrooms as quick as I can manage.

Opening a stall, I rush forward and empty my stomach violently.
I hear someone calling my name loudly but ignore them, as I try to breathe.
Once I'm done, I flush and leave the stall to find Xavier and Mel both stood there, looking at me worriedly.

The last thing I see before everything goes black is their horrified faces, and Xavier diving forward to catch me as I faint.

Vote and Comment please? Thanks Becki xx

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