Chapter 11

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I continued to shoot. My Gatling Gun kept spinning until it emitted hot puffs of smoke from the muzzle of the gun. Tens to hundreds of bullets fired at the monster, but what surprised me was...

None of the bullets hit her body... That is right, that monster managed to dodge all of my shots without even trying!




The bullets that passed through the monster continued to advance towards the trees behind it. The trees immediately fell due to the impact of the barrage of bullets and the incredible power contained within them.

But on the other hand, she was bored, even looking sleepy as the hail of bullets tried to hit its body. This one made Death Gatling think that bastard monster was trying to insult him! It was as if she saw him as a nuisance and that she could get rid of with just the flick of a finger!

"I will be running out of ammo soon..."

Death Gatling was sweating profusely. A look of fear and helplessness was evident on his face.

His eyes glanced at a particular tree. Up there, he saw that his friend's body lay like a kite cut off from its string.

Sneck's body got stuck in a tree. He did not move, blood dripping from his head. To be honest, Death Gatling was not sure if his friend had passed out or was dead. He hopes his first guess was correct.


Flashback. Ten minutes earlier.

Sneck felt that now was the right time. The monster looks careless and unguarded, with careful planning.

Sneck immediately rushed towards her from an unknown direction. His hands joined together to form like spearheads, or in this case, a snakebite attack!

Sneck shouted.

"Hebi-kyoku uke!" (Coiling Defense!)

The attacks are strong and fast! But she was even faster. It managed to dodge its monster senses and immediately launched a powerful counterattack.


After that loud noise, Sneck somehow felt his body become as light as paper. He was confused and felt dizzy. His eyes saw an extraordinary thing.

"Why is everything spinning so fast?"

The confusion suddenly grew, and he began to forget why he experienced this... He thought, where exactly is he right now?

Moments later, he felt a heavy blow to his chest and stomach.

At that time he heard someone talking to him, heard from the person's voice, it seemed that the voice came from a woman. From the feminine tone, it was apparent...


Sneck could not process and hear it clearly because his head felt very dizzy. His eyes also became blurry.

"Maybe... T-that person... Want T-to ask... Help to heroes... C-class A l-like... Me..."

Sneck could not hold any longer, and he passed out.

End of flashback.


"Tch... Stop moving and let my bullets eat you!"

Death Gatling's patience had peaked. Every time the bullet misses, the anger builds up.

The monster's body kept flickering. At first, Death Gatling can see her. One second later, he can not, and so on.

Death Gatling could only curse her speed. She is too fast, damns it!

"Ahh... I'm also getting bored with this game; let's make you sleep real quick."

"Just like your friend over there~."

The monster's body stopped blinking. A sweet smile appeared on Mosquito Girl's face as her tiny index finger pointed at the unmoving body of an A-class Hero, Sneck.

Death Gatling looked at the monster who was busy pointing at his friend, feeling that this was his only chance.

Maybe the monster thought that the bullets were ordinary bullets. Mosquito Girl did not know that this bullet would soon end her fate!

In addition to extreme penetration, this bullet has also been coated with deadly poison!

Death Gatling sprinted around rapidly, his Gatling Gun spinning faster and faster. His particular bullet started to accelerate towards the monster!

"Die, you insect!!!"

"Desushwaa!!!" (Death Shower!!!)




The deafening sound of a barrage of bullets echoed in the depths of the forest. The smoke of dust began to billow. And the remaining shots finally managed to hit the monster's body!

He breathed hard, sweat continued to flow down his body, but a small smile began to grow. He knew that the monster would not survive this one attack.

But just as his smile began to form, he saw sparks coming from the monster's body, as well as the loud clanking sound of bullets bouncing off! Like the sound of a stone being thrown at a metal thing!

His smile was now starting to wither.

Have you ever seen someone shoot a tank with low-caliber bullets to destroy the tank? Of course, that would not work, would it?

Yes, that is what Death Gatling was thinking now. Every single bullet bounced off the monster's body, her skin not even scratched! As if he shot a tank with a cheap gun!

It was as if the monster's body was made of super-strong impenetrable material!

Now he realized that the monster had been toying with him all along. The monster dodged the bullet not because Mosquito Girl was afraid that the shot would hurt her. But because the monster wanted to play around or just wanted to show off its speed!

Like. "Hey, look at this. I'm very fast, and you can not match me!"

Which is very accurate.

"Damn it!"

Death Gatling cursed loudly in his heart.

Now that his eyes were wide open, Death Gatling recognized that he could not defeat the monster. Heck, even the bullets from the gun he was proud of did not have the slightest effect. Did not even scratch her!

As Death Gatling struggled to concentrate, trying to map the movements of the humanoid monster.

The winged monster that had previously been standing thirty meters away had suddenly disappeared!

"I'm behind you, also, goodnight~."

Death Gatling heard a sweet voice suddenly appear right behind his back.

On reflex, he took the Bowie Knife he had and immediately swung it at the monster, desperately trying to slash its neck. But strangely, when he turned around, his whole body suddenly felt numb, from the bottom of his feet to the tip of his neck... He could not feel anything...

His eyes started to get heavy. "I fell so sleepy... Maybe five minutes of sleep will make me a little more refreshed... No! I'm still in the battle... I still have to defeat that monster... I... Still... Nee-"

Seconds later, his eyes felt heavy and blurred. Finally, his sight turned into complete darkness.

Meanwhile, leaving his smartphone still on.

At least he has contacted the Hero Association for help.

Help will come real soon...

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