Chapter 34: Connecting the dots

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A/N: I don't own the pic above used. Credits to the mangaka.

Contemplating whether to make an extra chapter to break the depressing streak of this arc or not.

Happy reading!! o(TヘTo)



"Ano... You are Lord Louis, aren't you? Lady Elise's third older brother."

"Yes, that's correct."

"Ano... Is it all right to ask how... How is onee-sama doing?" She suddenly stopped and quickly corrected herself. "Shi- I mean, my apologies for being rude...!"

Louis then recalled what Elise asked him in the letter. "She... She is under in a comatose state. I hope Lady Winstein understands that we cannot accept visitors because of what happened. I apologize for not accommodating you at the moment."

He could see her eyes widen for a few seconds before nodding. "It's all right. I... I understand... I was worried for onee-sama when I read the news. I am sorry for my sudden visit, my lord."

"It's fine. I am thankful and I appreciate for your concerns for my sister, Lady Winstein." He smiled a little, thinking that Elise made a good friend.

"Hai. Elise-onee-sama has done a lot for me and my brother..." She says before bowing to Louis. "Thank you for telling me, Lord Louis. I will be taking my leave."

Cecilia went back to where she left the carriage and asked the coach to return back to her manor. Hearing what Louis told her about Elise, the first thing that came into her mind was the letter Elise had given her.

"Oh, welcome back, sister." Adrien greets his sister as soon she came back. "How was the situation back at the Moriarty's?"

"Everyone seems to have left when I arrived but, I can only assume that a mob have arrived for the second Moriarty son." Cecilia sighed and placed her hat on the stand on the corner. "Nii-san, do you really believe that Elise-onee-sama's older brother who cares for her is... The Lord of Crimes?"

"...Honestly, I still find that hard to believe." He says as he raked his hair back in thought. "But Lord William himself released that statement and admitted he is the master criminal."

Cecilia remained silent.

"As an officer serving this country, it is my duty to capture criminals." Adrien tells her before patting her shoulder. He made a small smile to his sister before continuing. "But it doesn't mean I hate him nor Lady Elise. "

Adrien's eyes suddenly drooped a little before asking softly. "How was Lady Elise?"

"Onee-sama is..." She stopped herself from continuing when she recalled what she was supposed to do. She grabbed her brother by his arms all of a sudden and looked at him straight to the eyes, "Nii-san! Please call Sir Edward here right now! You two... I have something about to show you!"

"E-Eh? What's with this all of a sudden-"

Cecilia was already leaving to her room before looking back to her brother while yelling. "I'm leaving this to you, nii-san!!"

"Oi! Cecilia!"

However, the young woman was already out from his sights. Sighing, he left their estate and went to find his lover as requested by his sister.

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