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Then I met you

As I drew my last breath, your shaking and silent screams slowly started to die down

It's strange, isn't it?

Life and death

In this very moment

Someone's heart is fluttering from a hello

And someone is aching from a goodbye

I rose high into the sky and watched you cry

But I knew that was not my last goodbye

As you started to think of me less, the weather got cold and dry

But it still warmed my empty heart to see you gleeful

Nothing made me feel more alive our watching our story happen again in slow motion

No matter went you couldn't help but dive into love

It's who you are and what you do

I understand that the love you once had for me wasn't fading

But now your hand was held sacred by a person who could help you heal

I watched my other half become whole again with another

I couldn't help to wish it was me

But although I wish it were us at that alter

I smiled in relief from the chair you left empty, for me

I must understand that my love for you has not left this world

It is still inside your heart my dear

Your hand met your other new lover

And I knew it just as good as ours once was

You always said our daughter would have my mother's name

However, when she was born I saw her name was mine

As I leave for my final time, I heard you say "I love you"

That delicate phrase brought a new meaning

No matter how tragic our story ended

Between our gleaming hello and screaming goodbye

There was happiness

And there was love

The love you once had for me wasn't fading away

But it is now held sacred by a person that could help you heal

All beginnings have an end

I'm just glad yours was a good ending

but in another life or another universe

I know I'll find you again. I always will.

Goodbye my love

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