Keys [2]

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Pt. 2 requested on ao3 so I'll share with y'all too

Also I redid the cover-

It hadn't been more than a couple of weeks when Katsuki heard a gasp. He was pulling off the silver keys with a pen. He turned and was met with a furious Midoriya.

"They're still doing this? I asked them not to! This is ridiculous!"

Katsuki could only shrug. "Silver keys are easier to handle"

He'd sat and explained what had happened to him, telling everything to the boy. The colours, meanings, and effects. He expressed why he was do scared of keys. Midoriya had taken it better than expected, apologizing for not being there and offering to help get rid of the keys.

The coloured keys were always ringing the danger bells in his mind, so he'd made the freckled boy taken the coloured keys
off with thick gloves. They spent over an hour disinfecting and scrubbing his door and doorframe together until he deemed it okay. Never once had Midoriya complained.

"That doesn't make it okay!" The teen pressed, stomping over to help him. Katsuki blinked, watching the boy pull the keys off with his uncovered fingers. He wanted to be able to do that. He wanted to be normal and touch keys with his bare hands. But he couldn't.

"They don't know anything, so it is okay" He
countered, carefully hooking the cap of the pen under the piece of tape that held down the next key. "It's not like I go around yelling about my shitty time with these things"

"That doesn't matter! I asked them to stop a million times and they didn't. Just because they don't know something it doesn't make it okay. It's not your fault, Kacchan"

"Never said it was"

Midoriya simply smiled at him. "You're shit at hiding things"

The keys were finally gone and his time cleaning the door and doorframe was cut in half. Midoriya sprayed the disinfectant and he wiped it down.

Katsuki sighed, wiping his hands on his pants. They walked to the bathrooms so he could toss the wipes in the trash. Midoriya continued to have an sour mood.

"I wanna go get junk food, let's go" His wrist was taken and he was pulled along until Midoriya deemed him trusted to follow along. Katsuki did, stepping into the elevator with the freckled teen.

"Don't do anything stupid, Deku" Katsuki said they stepped out of the elevator. "It's not worth the trouble"

The irritated huff he received in response made him grimace, the rest of the class weren't going to be met with a happy Midoriya later.

They went right through the dorm's ground floor, not paying attention to any of their other classmates. Katsuki could hear a few mutter about him and Midoriya suddenly becoming friends, but he ignored it. It wasn't their business on who he liked, disliked, and tolerated.

"Y'know you can just call me by my name around them, right?"

He glanced over, pursing his lips. "It's not like that. It's just weird. I can't just switch from only calling you 'shitty Deku' to 'Zukkun' all the time. It's hard"

"You're like your dad. Uncle can't change things for the life of him" Midoriya laughed when Katsuki pouted. He couldn't deny it, it was hard to fully change like that so fast.

"Whatever, I'll call you what I want, when I want" He replied. They walked into a small ice cream parlor. 'Icicled', not really an interesting name.

"Hi! What can I get for you two?" The older woman at the counter smiled, her mood ridiculously bright for the current time of seven thirty in the morning.

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