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Mt. Olympus; the home of the gods. I had spent my entire life there: watching humans come and go, slowly becoming emotionless, and distancing myself from the other gods. Even Persephone received the silent treatment now. It hurt to see the look in her eyes whenever I ignored her, but it didn't stop me from making my decision. To leave Olympus was a big deal for any god — but to leave for an unspecified amount of time? That was unheard of and stirred up a lot on Olympus.

I had told Athena in confidence — because she often left Olympus to check on the humans she decided to bless — but it appears one of her servants overheard and decided to tell everyone they came across. The whispers and glances from the others were enough to give that away, but the dark figure sitting in the chair in my living room let me know my twin had heard the rumors. Once I shut the door behind me, the red glow of their eyes began to shine through the darkness as a sudden rush of paranoia took over me.

"What's this I hear about you wanting to leave Olympus?" Their monotone voice echoed in the darkness and filled me with even more paranoia.

"Isa," I growled after a moment of silence — the paranoia quickly leaving my system as the red glow dimmed. "Just because I want to leave: doesn't mean I'm going to. I'm your twin, I would never leave without discussing it with you."

"Why are you thinking of leaving? Didn't you have enough of the human world when we were demigods? I thought we agreed to never go back?"

"Calm down before you cause mass paranoia, Isa. Remember what happened the last time you got worked up?"

Isa let out a scoff before making their way to my kitchen. "Yeah, yeah — we don't want a repeat of '63. It was confined to one city anyway."

"Are you seriously going to drink my wine?"

"...I was going to make tea. I'm not so much of an alcoholic now that we're gods."

"Don't lie to me." I laughed out and walked over to them, wrapping my arms around their neck. "It's not nice to lie to your big sister."

"We're twins."

"I'm eight minutes older than you."

"After all this time, you still bring that up?"

"Artemis brings up the fact that she's nine days older than Apollo all the time, how come I can't?"

"Because Artemis is hot." They smirked as they began heating up the water. "And I've been stuck with you since birth."

"I'm telling father the next time we visit him."

Isa began laughing as I let them go and headed up to my room, knowing they'd bring me a cup once the tea was ready. I ghosted my fingers over my old armor as a nostalgic feeling washed over me, a sad smile tugging at my lips. Memories came flooding back from that time — the good and the bad. When the memories shifted to mainly bad and the pained cries of the fallen began filling my ears, I stepped away from my armor and flopped onto my bed. Every day the memories became frequent and more vivid, forcing me to amplify my powers to get them to stop.

"You're doing it again." Isa's voice called out softly from my doorway, two cups of tea in their hands. "I can always tell when you're doing it. Is it why you want to leave? To stop them from resurfacing?"

"How do you deal with them?" I sighed out and sat up, taking a cup from them. "All of the screams..."

"I get high with Dion. Or I go to the underworld and converse with the spirits. Other than those two? I hang out with you. You nullify my paranoia and allow me to... Uh, how do I phrase this?"

"Don't hurt yourself."

Isa sent me a glare before sitting next to me and sipping their tea, allowing me to lay my head on their shoulder as I sipped my tea. The two of us stayed like that — sipping tea in silence — until a booming knock rang out, causing me to sit up and set my teacup down. I silently made my way down the stairs and cracked open the door, stepping out of the way upon seeing my mother. Once she stepped inside, I let the door shut and called Isa downstairs — knowing they'd want to see her now more than ever.

"Are you really considering leaving?" Mother asked softly, bringing a hand up to rest on my cheek. "It's a serious decision — especially if you don't know how long you'll be gone. I just want to make sure my baby girl is sure about this."

"...I..." I frowned for a moment before leaning into her touch, letting the smell of spring flood my senses. "I'm sure, mom. Promise you'll take care of—."

"We're the same age!" Isa called out, showing off their fangs as they spoke. "I don't need mother babying me just because you're leaving."

"Don't bare your fangs at me!"

"I'll do whatever I want!"

"Children." Mother stated calmly, a warning in her tone as her eyes began to glow green. "Now is not the time to be arguing."

"Sorry, mother." We muttered simultaneously.

She moved her hand away from my cheek before she walked over to Isa, cupping their face in her hands and pressing a tender kiss to their forehead. I watched closely as they visibly relaxed — their normally dark demeanor brightening slightly and a faint smile ghosting over their face. When another knock came to the door, I let a small frown take over my features and slowly opened the door, coming face to face with Zeus. An annoyed groan left Isa once they noticed our uncle — their powers managing to darken the castle and send paranoia rushing through my veins.

Zeus let his gaze drift over to them and a soft scoff left him, clearly annoyed with their presence. I stepped in front of them and sent him a glare, a low growl leaving me in order to get his gaze back on me. When his eyes shifted to me and darkened, I took a hesitant step back — the paranoia from Isa making the situation worse for me. Zeus tightened his grip on his polearm, sky blue eyes piercing my soul.

"You're leaving?" His voice nearly shook the castle, earning a faint scoff from me as I narrowed my eyes at him.

"So what if I am?" I hissed out and clenched my fists, desperately trying to ignore the anger quickly rising in me.

'He always gets this reaction out of me... Out of the both of us... Maybe it's because of what happened that day — that dreaded day.'

"Then you should leave now. You don't want to make things worse for your family — make them think you're going to change your mind and then just leave some day."

"Shut up!" Isa growled out and stepped forward, placing a hand on my shoulder and moving me slightly behind them. "She'll leave when she's ready, don't ru—."

A flash of blue light caused their sentence to be cut off, leaving me confused and quickly looking around for my twin. When the light dispersed and they — along with the rest of Olympus — were nowhere to be found, my breathing quickened as the panic of being separated from them finally set in. It had been a long time since the two of us were separated without a proper good-bye — the last time being that day all of those years ago. A crow cawed somewhere off in the distance and gained my attention, causing me to turn around to notice a mansion near a waterfall.

I silently made my way through the snow-covered forest — hoping that whoever lived at the mansion was friendly, if there was even anyone there at all. The crow's cawing grew louder the further I got from my starting location, effectively agitating me to the point of halting my movements. Only one being could recognize me so quickly and get me to leave an area that still had traces of Zeus's powers — well, one being that wasn't family.

"Miranda... It's been a long time."

The Magic of the Moon  [Fem!reader x Donna Beneviento] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now