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Watching Paws TV Together

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Watching Paws TV Together

A Crack Fanfic Based On The Watch TV With Lander Trend on Fan Dump

Zander POV

“He left. Finally.” I let out a sigh of relief as I heard Hailey walk up to the stairs. Luke looked at me and chuckled.
“You don’t have to be so rude.” He patted my head.
I blushed uncontrollably. “Don't do that!”
“Do what?” He teased.
“Pa-“ I was interrupted by a commercial ad, and Bethany's soft snoring. I looked at the TV, having to glance at a State Farm Commercial.
I spun back at him, rewinding the tape. “Anyways, do-“
But then I was interrupted AGAIN by the soft knocking at the door. Who could it be now?
We both glanced at it.
“Maybe it's Jake? He probably left something.”
“I'll go check.” I stood up, striding my way to the door, and opened it in a breeze.
“Okay, Jake, wha...”
I as then face-to-face with a girl with blonde hair and lemonade pink eyes, and her friend, who had teal eyes.
“Ahm, hi...” The girl stammered.
“Hi... can I help you?” I asked, suspicious
“Hi, I'm River. And... this is a girl I met in the streets.” They pointed at the girl.
“O-oh, well, I'm Kaede Akamatsu, and... I was in my class, and I went to sleep, but when I woke up... I was on a bench... I don't recognize this place... and...” She trailed off as she realized we were both giving her looks.
“You're cosplaying, right?”
“What? No... no, I'm not. Why would you think I am?”
“Please be serious.”
“But I am!” ‘Kaede’ argued, frustrated.
“Okay, okay. Cosplayer or not, why are you two here?”
“Oh, I'm supposed to be home now, but it's miles away, and I can't stay in the streets, it's pretty dangerous.” River answered. “As for... Kaede... I'm guessing, you came from an alternate universe?”
“Really?” She was astounded. “But how?”
“Not sure, anyways.” River looked at me. “Is it fine if we stay here for a while as my parents come to pick me up?”
I looked at both of them.
*Do they seriously think I'll let them in, but on the other hand... they seem realistically worried...*
The duo leaped with joy.
“Mum, a few of my friends are staying over for a while!”
“This late?”
“Yes, mum.”
“Well then... I suppose.”
As I led the two in, my mum had gotten down the stairs and looked at the two, then gawked at Kaede.
“Oooh! I just love your cosplay! It looks so legit!”
“Ma'am, I'm... not... cosplaying...” Kaede mumbled.
“Oh... well... nevermind! Make yourselves at home!”
“Thank you!” They both replied, walking in.
“Hello!” Luke waved!”
“Hi!” They both replied.
“Oh!” Kaede stated out. “And we found this box outside. I think it's yours.”
“Huh?” I looked at the box Kaede offered me. As I opened it, I glanced at a variety of mini humans, all glaring back at me.
“GWAH!” I yelped dropping the box. At the same time, I heard small but shrilled screams.
“Hey!” A girl with short bright blue hair with horns looked at me. “ Watch it!”
“Wh... what are those?”
“They're... alive?” River asked.
“Hey!” Kaede picked a up a boy with purple hair and white clothes. “This looks like Kokichi!”
“Nyishishishi~ Hi Kayayday! Is this where you've been? And why I am I so small!”
“Eep, you're so cute!” She giggled and gently patted the purplette, who was obviously Kokichi, despite not wanting to be pet.
(Yes I ship Oumatsu)
“KAEDE!” About half of the miniatures screamed, rushing to her legs.
“Hey!” Kaede laughed, then crouched down to pick up as many miniatures as she wanted. “How do you all know me?”
Me and Luke looked at each other awkwardly.
Soon, the miniatures scattered, but didn't make any mess. Instead, they ran to the couch and sat down near or on the couch.
“Huh?” I looked back, only to see Paws TV still on. “Oh, so you all like Paws TV, huh?”
They all agreed.
“Well, why don't we all watch it together?” Luke smiled, patting a spot on the couch for me to sit. I smiled, then sat down near him. Kaede sat on the floor, with Kokichi on her shoulder, and a bunch of other miniatures surrounding her. River kneeled on the end of the couch, behind the box.
“Hey, look!” He pointed at the box once again, and removed plushies of various people I knew, including the music club.
I gawked at them. “Wow... a Jake one. Burn it.”
“Huh?! Why would you want to do that?!” Kaede let a hand out for the Jake plushie, in which River gave to her. She then asked one of the miniatures to put it on the TV stand table. The miniature agreed and placed it, then scattered on top of the TV.
Soon after, we were all sitting there, watching Paws TV, gawking the animals.
From what I've learnt, I nay or may not have known most of the miniatures.

Mush, Leaf on me, Khloe, another Khloe but younger, Kimiko, Reiko and Kokichi all huddled on Kaede, River surrounded by plushies, Leah on top of River, Mimi on Kaede’s head, Amy sleeping on Bethany's head, Olive and ANOTHER Khloe on my head, Crystal and her younger self on Bethany’s head (I'm surprised she didn't wake up) and so on.

(I asked a few of them for their names.)

Maybe inviting them inside wasn't so bad after all.
But even so, I kept hearing something.
British noises... under the couch...?
I glared at everyone, fazed at the puppies, while I could feel my breath quicken.





Characters I added in the meme
Kaede Akamatsu (Blonde sitting on the floor) Not My Character!
Kokichi Ouma (On Kaede's shoulder) Not My Character!
YT Khloe (Pink Eyes Girl On Zander's head)
Wattpad Khloe (Near Kaede's Shoe)
Child Wattpad Khloe (Near Kaede's Backpack)
Reiko Nakamura (Near the Other Side of Kaede's Shoe)
Kimiko Watanabe (On Top Of Reiko)
Elliot Plushie (Next to The Dark-Haired Blue Girl Next To Child Wattpad Khloe) Not My Character!
Jake Plushie (It's Pretty Obvious Bro) Not My Character!
Idk anymore so

Ok bye-

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