Part 6-Ferris Wheel

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August 16th
Riley's POV
I look out the window as I watch the clouds dancing through the sky while listening to my favorite playlist on the radio. Farkle is holding my hand humming to the tune while Maya is being her sarcastic self. Meanwhile I'm still shaking off my usual morning stomach pain and headache.

But Lucas is unusually quiet, even more so then after New Years.
An hour later and we arrive at the amusement park. I climb through Farkles side as we stand to our feet beside Maya. Lucas shuts off the car and hops out with delay.

Maya is beaming with excitement. She looks at Farkle and I and says,"Finally! I'm so excited! We should pair up. Who wants to go on the Aeromax with me?"
There's a moment of hesitation since I'm not one for fast rides and Lucas sticks to bull rides and Farris wheels.

Farkle speaks up with hesitation to say "I-I'll come." He looks at me for approval and I smile in agreement. He's always been a good friend like that, making sure everyone's involved.

"Okay. Lucas and Riles, you two stick together and we'll meet at the Farris wheel in an hour."
Before I had a chance to express my hesistance , Maya was off on a mission. I always love her drive and determination.

I feel a shiver up my spine. Lucas and I don't really spend time alone but it was no concern to either of our partners. After silence that carried on a bit too long, Lucas looked me in the eyes gazingly waiting for my initiation of the conversation.

"So, up for any rides?" I ask. He takes a moment to think, pans the park, and says, "wanna get a characature?"

"Okay, sure" I said. We walk over to the artist sitting at his small table with a sign that read "Characatures, $5 per face" Lucas requests a drawing for me, pulls out his wallet, hands the five dollars and I sit down with a goofy smile across my face.
Some time passes allowing for most of my stomach pain to settle, enough for me to handle a ride.

"Almost done..." the artist says. After some time, he shows the work and it's really great. Lucas takes the photo, shakes the young man's hand, and turn my way. He hands me the photo and we slowly walk towards the Ferris wheel.

"Are you hungry? Want anything?" He gestures to the pretzel stand and I feel my stomach churn. Guess it's still too early...

"Thanks, but I'm okay. The smell is kinda bothering my stomach" he nods in acknowledgement and we continue walking.

I receive a text from Farkle saying they are going on another ride which leaves us with more time to kill.

"Looks like it'll be a while." I say. I can't help but sense this odd atmosphere between us, but shrug it off since without Maya around that's how it usually feels.

"Well since we have time to kill, how about a ride on the Farris wheel. I know you like it." Lucas says.

"Okay. Sounds good." We step in line for the ride and once again, Lucas offers to pay. We step into the capsule as he gestures for me to step in first.

As the wheel begins to cycle around, I can't help but notice his emerald green eyes in comparison to the trees around us. We carry on in conversation about little things as we circle around two times.

"I love when we reach the top each time. It's so beautiful, the city in the distance, the happy people walking around, the bright blue sky."

"So do I. There's a kind of peace to it." Just as we reach the peak, the capsule jolts me out of my seat. Lucas catches me and holds me right.
"Are you okay?"
My hands are shaking, I hold onto his embrace.
"I-I'm okay. Thank you for catching me"
I steady my balance and he releases his arms as I move to the other side.
"What's going on, are we stuck?" I say
"I'm not sure..." he says with a concerning look. Suddenly the speakers above us buzz and a man's voice echos; "Okay folks, looks like we are having minor technical difficulties but the problem will be resolved shortly. Just stay seated and the ride will resume shortly."

"Well I guess we will be here a bit longer."

"That's okay" he says as his eyes begin to brighten again "you make good company"

Suddenly I begin to feel light headed and Lucas notices My skin whiten. "Riley, are you sure your okay?"
"Yeah..I-I think so"
He takes my hand that's still shaking and says "are you sure?"

His gentle hands against mine calms my uneasiness. Color begins to flood my cheeks. He moves closer.
"Yeah, I'm perfect" I say and then the world blackens.

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