Part 10- Misguided

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Lucas POV
Riley and I gathered ourselves, exiting the far side cabin just outside of the fireworks, and we began our walk back.
"Lucas...we have to tell them."
I looked into her deep brown eyes twinkling as the moonlight made her porcelin skin glow. "We will tell them, when the moment is right."

The last thing I wanted was to step in the way of Maya and Riley's friendship. I didn't want to hurt Maya or Farkle, but I also know I truly love Riley more then anything.

"For now, Maya will drive us home. You should rest, I'm still worried from when you passed out." We reach the truck to find Maya half awake and Farkle back to reading his favorite book with the small roof light shining on him. I climb in next to Maya while Riley climbs in next to Farkle and closes her eyes. We try to act as though the fireworks never happened.

"Today was amazing!" Maya whispers to me. She kisses my cheek, buckles in, and begins the drive. Still, all I can think about is Riley.

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