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Santana and Mercedes had finally landed in New York after what seemed the worlds longest flight. As promised, Finn and Sam picked them up from the airport and drove them to Santana's new apartment, AKA, Mercedes's apartment. Mercedes had moved to New York 3 months prior but was in desperate need of a roommate. She managed to convince Santana a couple months ago to move in with her after a quick trip home to Ohio for Mr Shue's and Miss Pilberry's wedding.

She had told her that a singing school was looking for a new teacher and that Santana would be perfect for the job. Although this didn't sound permanent to Santana, she knew it would open windows of opportunities for her in the future. It was a good first step.

"We'll catch up with you guys in a couple days once you're all moved in and settled" said Finn as him and Sam left to go home. Once in the apartment, Santana started unpacking her stuff in her new bedroom and made herself at home, even though she felt the furthest from home. Her home was Brittany, but she was almost 600 miles away. She opened her phone and called Brittany.

Santana: Hi Britt. We've landed, we're at the apartment. The flight went okay, just tired and missing you so much
Brittany: I'm so glad you got there safe. I don't think I've stopped crying yet. This feels so painful already. How am I ever going to get used to this?
Santana: I don't know, Britt. I guess we don't have a choice. This is for our future together, not just mine, but you know that
Brittany: Yeah, I know. I guess the idea of me moving there with you eventually will keep me going. This is just going to really hurt for a while
Santana: Yeah, it will. We're going to be just fine. I need to get some sleep but just know I love you and I'll speak tomorrow. Goodnight, Britt
Brittany: Night San. I love you

Santana hung up the phone, got into bed and cried. Cried until no more tears came out. Mercedes could hear her crying so she walked in to comfort her. She sat on the bed and just let Santana cry whilst stroking her head. "It'll be worth it in the end. Like you've always said, this is for your future together, not just your future. The first few weeks are going to suck but it'll get easier to be apart. I'm here if you need me" she said. Santana squeezed Mercedes's hand, turned over and eventually drifted off to sleep.

Brittany's POV -

Quinn knocked on the front door of Brittany's parents house and waited for an answer. Brittany's mom Susan opened the door and let Quinn in, almost relieved to see her. "Oh Quinn I'm glad you're here. Brittany's locked herself in her room and won't talk to either of us. She's so upset. Will you see if you can get through to her?" she asked. "Of course" replied Quinn as she made her way upstairs to Brittany's bedroom door. She knocked but had no reply. She knocked again. "Britt, it's me, Quinn. I just want to give you some company. We don't have to talk, we can just sit. Come on, let me in" she said.

Brittany unlocked the door and got straight back into bed. Quinn climbed in next to her. "What are you hugging?" Quinn asked. "San left a T-shirt behind without realising" she replied. Quinn stroked back Brittany's hair out of her face. "It's probably a good thing she hasn't realised, your mascara has definitely stained it" Quinn said softly chuckling, to which Brittany actually cracked a smile. "I'll stay here tonight, I don't want you alone. This will hurt and be painful for a while but there's no doubt you guys will get through this. You're Santana and Brittany, for gods sake. You'll see her in 3 weeks, so just hold on until then." said Quinn. "Thanks Q" said Brittany. "You're the best best friend I could ask for. I probably should have known how bad this would hurt when I realised I missed her when she went to the bathroom for 2 minutes". Quinn laughed and got tucked into bed beside her best friend. "Try get some sleep Britt. I'm right here".

Brittany fell asleep within a couple hours and so did Quinn. Santana however, was now 600 miles away and wide awake, missing her Britt.

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