Chapter 6

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We ran out to the end of the hallway and saw Mr.Darnell lying on the ground, the back of his head bleeding, with a chair lying beside him. He must have come back to tell us there was no sign of her but ended up with a chair in the back of his head! The police shrieked. "Take these two to the hospital. We will get Detective Wilson to figure this out." "No!" Stacie said. Everyone jumped. That was the first time she talked in about the last 20 minutes. We all turned around to look at her. "We already know its Miss.Cubby. And maybe we can stop her." The chief walked up to her. "Listen kid. We don't have any tracks or clues of this crazy Miss.Cubby teacher of yours. So we can really say it was her." Stacie groaned and walked away. I looked over at Mr. Darnell to see him and Matthew being taking to the hospital. I'm sure Matthew was dead but I didn't know about Mr. Darnell. Then I thought about something and freaked out. "Omg! Whoever killed these to has to be coming for us too! Right?" I said, worried. I think I freaked out everyone after I said that. Stacie cried and wanted to go home and the police officers got scared more than the 2 injury scenes they saw already today. "Sorry! I didn't mean it like that!" I yelled. Everyone looked at me when finally a cop said "Alright. Lets get these kids protected." and we walked down the stairs to get away from the music room. Later on in the day, detective's, police, teachers, and security were roaming around the school. All the teachers were freaking out, locking all the doors when we were in are classes and teaching us how to be safe when a murderer is around. Except for Math class of course. Really though, I thought this was ridiculous. Why can't they just send us home you say? Well because according to the police, apparently the killer can have extra backup outside waiting for us to come out so that they can kill us too. Yes, that's exactly what the chief said. So that night, the teachers set out a bunch of blankets on the floor of the cafeteria (where I had my most embarrassing scene in the world) because we were going to stay at the school until the killer was caught. I lied down on plaid blanket and snuggled up. Today was a long day and I was tired. I felt someone lie down next to me and my eyes found Daniel. He looked happy to see me, yet I saw how worried he was in his eyes. He better explain to me what the hell is going on between us. "Hey." He said. "H-Hey." I replied, worried and wondering why he still wanted to talk to me after the messed up phone call. "I got your phone call." He whispered to me. I frowned. I knew it." ok I guess I needed someone to..." "Alex, I didn't pick up because I didn't want to talk to you. It's because I was scared to talk to a beautiful girl like you." Daniel interrupted. I have him a confused look. "Your dance in the cafeteria was really funny. It was really cute. I had to leave because Mr.Darnell came and got me because my mom got hurt and went to the hospital so I went to see her for the rest of the day." I nodded and smiled. My eyes started to droop so he wrapped his arm around me and I fell asleep on his shoulder. I woke up at 12:00 to here a loud booming noise playing. I knew I wasn't aloud to leave the cafeteria but I needed to find out that noise. I stood up, walked out of the cafeteria quietly, and followed the noise to lead to the girls bathroom. I walked into the bathroom to see about 5 people having a small party. 2 were a girl and guy making out in the corner and 2 other were guys throwing toilet paper everywhere. A girl walked up to me and gave me a sassy look. "Who might you be?" She snapped. She had black hair, dark skin, and fashionable clothes on. This must have been a popular kid party."Um... I'm Alex. Shouldn't you guys be in the cafeteria? Your gonna..." "Listen girl, I'm Sasha. Now I don't care what you say so would you shut up and come and party with us?" Sasha said. I didn't know what to do. Should I leave, tell a teacher, join them. I'm was gonna say something back when suddenly lights turned off.

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