𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒚 - changbin

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based on true events 

You and your cousin Layla entered the school and made your way towards the auditorium. Your high school was putting on a performance of the musical 'The Addams Family' and your other cousin Ola was in the ensemble.

You take your seat and clap when the curtain opens. As the play went on you clapped at the end of each scene while Layla slowly drifted off to sleep out of boredom. You shook her awake but she only scowled at you before shrinking back down into her seat.

You rolled your eyes and turned your attention back to the girl playing Wednesday. "I'm in love with Lucas and his family is coming over for dinner tonight!" She sang.

Then the spotlight hit three people entering the stage. The guy playing Lucas was Changbin from your foreign language class. He seemed so confident when he sang, and it was so different from his personality in real life. He was usually shy but really nice. But here he was, singing beautifully with confidence. Your stare at him in awe and your focus doesn't avert from him for the rest of Act 1. Why didn't anyone see this side of him more often?

As you wandered around the lobby during intermission, leaving a sleeping Layla behind, you spot Changbin's best friend Wooyoung and approach him.

"Hey Woo, are you enjoying the play?" "Yeah it's pretty good. Your cousin Ola is doing great in the ensemble."

Oh shit. You completely forgot to watch Ola because you were so focused on Changbin. You found yourself blushing at the thought of him, and you didn't know why. He wasn't your usual type, and most people thought he was weird.

"Hellooooo? Y/n are you okay?" Wooyoung waved a hand in front of your face. "Uh yeah. He was great... I mean- oh yes! Ola was great! She really did a good job at that one part..." You laughed uneasily.

"Are you gonna by a wooden rose for her? I bought one for Changbin." He held it up in front of him. You shook your head. "No should I? She already gets presents from me on her birthday and Christmas." He shrugs. "I'm doing it to show my support. Changbin worked really hard." I nod. "Yeah he's pretty- no! I mean- pretty talented!" Wooyoung raises his eyebrow and smiles. "Intermissions almost over we should go back in." You nod and follow him.

For the rest of the performance, you have an inner battle with yourself. Everyone will think I'm weird if I like Changbin. But he's soooo cute.

By the time the finale rolls around, you are starry-eyed and leaning forward in your seat. Layla wakes up while they are doing their bows and yawns. "You missed it!" I gushed. "It was amazing." "Yeah. whatever."


The next week at school you anxiously wait for second period, the class you have with Changbin.

"Hey Changbin, good job on Friday." "Thanks." He smiles at you and then continues talking to his friend.

During class, you were put in groups with him and two other guys. You try to sneak glances at Changbin, who is shyly laughing at a joke one of the others made.

When it's over, the smile you had on your face all morning disappeared.

At lunch, you search for Layla, but she's not at your usual table. You call her but she doesn't answer and so you look around for Ola. She's sitting across the room with some other people from the theatre club, including Changbin.

Nervously you make your way over and sit down next to your cousin. "Hey Y/n, where is Layla?"

"I don't fucking know." I laugh.

Then Wooyoung arrives and asks me to scoot over so he can sit next to Ola. Changbin laughs at his behaviour. Eventually, he says, "You guys should just go out." "Hey, you're one to talk, you can't catch a single girl."

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐘 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐘 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐘; stray kids imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now