Chapter One

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I drove the heel of my boot deep into the ground, sending cascades of dirt around me. Beads of sweat lined my upper brow and lip, my chest heaving as it forced air in and out of my lungs.

Tan skin grew bronze as the sun blared above me.

Swords clinked against each other, and people were sent plummeting to the ground.

"Accept defeat, Quackity," Sapnap said with an overconfident smirk. He tried to bring his sword to my stomach but I deflected it with my own blade, seething with restraint.

"As if, you cocky bastard," I retorted.

He laughed, but I saw the way his chest heaved with exhaustion as well.

His taut muscles flexed as he pulled his sword back and tried to find another weak point. But I was quicker on my feet than he, I sprung out of the way before his sword could touch me.

He huffed, recalculating his next move.

He charged forward, aiming to finish me off. I leaned backward and held my sword up to him, deflecting it again. But he remained persistent, pushing the sword toward me. I seethed and drove my foot deeper into the ground, slipping ever so slightly. I tried my best to not let go, for letting go meant certain defeat.

Unless. .

I let go, it was risky and idiotic. But I needed another way.

I saw a bright smile spread across his lips, victory was certainly his now.

Just a split second to move. That was all I had.

I fell to the floor, the sudden loss of momentum dropping me.

He lurched toward me, ready to make the final blow.

I braced myself.

But as he approached me I used both my legs to kick him flat onto his ass. His sword clattered to the ground.

I scrambled to my feet quickly and then pointed the sword to his neck.

"What was that you said about accepting defeat?"

He frowned and groaned. "C'mon, you can't let me win once?"

I shook my head, laughing. The both of us were panting as I helped him up to his feet.

"Where's the fun in that?" I asked.

He grumbled. "Whatever. I'll beat you next time."

"You say that every day."

"Well, tomorrow it'll be true!"

"You say that every day too."

He rolled his eyes, running a hand through his hair. We walked into the knight's room and he grabbed a towel off of his bed and slid the towel across his skin to try and rid himself of the sweat.

"You guys look filthy," Niki said.

Her arms were littered with her own scars and her hair was pulled into a half up half down style so it was out of her face.

She wore a white tank top which showed off the muscles she gained due to relentless hours of training.

"Well, we haven't gotten the chance to shower yet," Sapnap admitted.

She laughed. "Hurry up, I'll meet you guys at the dining hall. I'm starving."

We nodded and she waved goodbye as she walked out of the knight's room.

We raced to the washroom and cleaned ourselves off to the best of our ability and then threw on some spare clothes.

"What do you think we'll be eating today?" Sapnap asked.

It was a joke.

The knights never ate anything more than necessity. Just enough so that they could fill their bellies and continue training. We didn't get the luxuries of freshly creamed cakes and piping hot stews.

We got a portion of meat, bread, and cheese.

I didn't mind though, it was better than what I got back home.

"Took you guys long enough," Technoblade said, sliding a plate over to us.

We took it gratefully.

"Sapnap was taking forever to lose," I stated plainly.

"Oh fuck you," Sapnap retorted, his mouth already stuffed with a bite of bread.

The others laughed.

"Everyone quiet down," Sam shouted over everyone. He was the leader of our army.

"Another good day of training," he says, to which the knight's holler and cheer in agreement. "Training rooms will remain open. Tomorrow you will be assigned permanent roles in our army. For now, eat up and rest up."

He walks away to grab a plate for himself.

"I bet I'll get the best assignment here," Sapnap says.

Niki scoffs. "C'mon, if anyone is getting the best role it sure as hell is gonna be Quackity."

She gave me a wink and took another bite out of her bread.

The others nodded in agreement.

"C'mon," I laughed, "it'll be Techno."

"Heh. .?" Techno says, looking up from his food.

"It will be!" I persisted. "You're the best knight here."

Techno shrugs. "My bet is on Niki."

Niki's cheeks flush with pride.

Everyone agrees to that as well.

"Alright, who cares. We'll all get damn good assignments! Huh? How 'bout that?" Fundy says.

"Yeah!" I agree.

With that, we all scarf down the rest of our meals and run off.


"Are you nervous?"

"What?" I ask, distracted.

"Are you nervous? We could be assigned any role tomorrow. .I sure as hell am nervous."

I sucked in a breath, looking up at the dark sky. "I guess I am."

"Wow. Quackity the great is feeling butterflies."

I roll my eyes and nudge him.

He laughs and follows my gaze up to the sky.

"I wonder what I'll get," he says.

"Me too. I think I'll be happy with just about anything."

"There isn't much to get, is there?"

"Well. .we can be the king's guards, the queen's guards. .the prince's guards. Or we can be assigned to keep posts at the borders in case of war."

"I want to fight!" Sapnap says. "I think I'll grow restless guarding the royal family! But fighting against the dream SMP, now that's badass!"

The two of us laugh.

"Yeah," I nod, "and I'll be fighting alongside you. That's what I want. To fight alongside my friends."

Sapnap looks at me. "That was incredibly cheesy. .but yeah. I'd have to agree."

"Well, we better get some sleep then. Big day tomorrow. ."

We both nod, yet make no effort to get up. Instead, we just lay there on the grass with each other until Niki calls for us to get inside. .

Where will the gods lead me. .?

A/N: first chp! Thoughts?

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