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(Jaxon pov)
"I ain't coming to school today." Leaf says through the mic.

"What? Why? Yall are leaving alone. Rude." I say jokingly.

"Maybe you can make new friends," Trey says.

"I don't need new ones, I like my old crusty friends," I say.

"Wooooow, I see how it is. Ya, hear this Trey. We're old and crusty." Leaf laughs.

"It's 8:00, you should start going, Jax," Trey says.

"Geez ok, mom. Cya guys later." I reply leaving the call. I threw on a large sweater and grabbed my wallet and skateboard before leaving my room.

"Hey, kiddo! You're leaving already?" My aunt asks from the kitchen.

"Yeah, there's a couple of things I'm gonna grab from the gas station and I have some homework," I replied walking into the kitchen.

"Oh mk. What time are you gonna be home tonight?" She asks hugging me and handing me a fresh waffle.

"Uh, I don't have a shift today so probably right after school. But I'll text you if anything changes. Bye." I say walking out the door. I thought about what Trey said, maybe I could try and make friends. At the gas station, I get a few monsters and some candy.

"11.75$." I pass the cashier some cash. By the time I left the gas station, it was only 8:15, I had still decided to head to school.

"Fuck!" A blonde-haired boy yelps as he's tripped by someone, they run away leaving him on the ground. "Motherfuckers." He whispers under his breath.

"Hey, are you ok?" I ask putting my hand out to help him up.

"Yes, fine. Thank you." He says taking my hand.

"Dee! Are you ok?!" A younger boy asks running up to us.

"Yes, Heavy I'm fine." He says rolling his eyes.

"Who's this guy," Heavy asks looking up at me.

"Oh, I'm Jax." I smile.

"Oh! Well, I'm Heavy nice to meet you. This is my brother Dee." Heavy says excitedly shaking my hand.

"It's nice to meet you too Heavy." I last as I walk onto school with them.

"You sit behind me in history, correct?" Dee asks.

"Uhh, I think so. Hey! Your the rat kid right?" I ask laughing.

"Yes, I'm the one that stole the rat from the lab." He says laughing slightly, but mostly glaring at me.

"Ohh ok. I know who you are." I say laughing.

"Well it was nice meeting you Jax, let's hang out sometime," Dee says in a light tone as he walks into his first class. As I continued to walk to my class I thought that we could be good friends. My classes flew by, I was a good student I always got my work done before anyone else. When I was sitting in history Dee pasted me a note asking for my number, as I was writing it down the boys from this morning spoke up.

"Is that your new boyfriend Dee!" One of them yells and the whole class laughs.

"Why don't you shut the fuck up, whore." I say glaring at the boys as I pass Dee the paper. The whole class got quiet and I can hear Dee chuckle under his breath.

After the history, Dee comes to my desk. "I've never seen the class get that quiet that fast, except when the teacher yells," Dee says. "Wanna go get lunch?"

"Sure, where do you wanna go?" I ask grabbing my binder.

"You can decide. Only if you do something to those guys again." He says smiling slightly.

"I usually just get a monster from a gas station, and I was gonna say something to them either way," I say shrugging.

"That's not very healthy," Dee says walking alongside me.

"I'm not a very healthy person," I respond.

"You look healthy." He says poking my arm.

"Hey, there are those guys," I say pointing at them.

"Oh great," Dee says as they walk towards us.

"Where do you think you're going, faggot." One of them says as they reach for Dee, but I grab his arm first.

"2 things, for 1 if your gonna call one of us a faggot call me one, I'm gay. And for 2, it's fag not faggot if your gonna insult me do it right." I say glaring at him. When I let go of his hand he and the other boy both run.

"Your gay?" Dee asks curiously.

"Not gay, but I'm part of the queer community, I'm pansexual and Demisexual," I say.

"What does that mean?" Dee asks as I hold the door for him.

"Pan means I don't give a shit about your gender just have sex with me. And then Demisexual is we have to have a bond before we have sex." I say. "Confusing I know."

"Oh ok, sorta makes sense," Dee replies.

"So monsters for lunch?" I say skipping in front of Dee.

"Fine. Just get something to eat with it." Dee says rolling his eyes. "Thanks by the way."

"Hm? For what?" I ask slowing down.

"Standing up for me." He says kicking a rock.

"Yeah, no problem. But I gotta ask, are you into dudes?" I ask and his face turns red.

"Well, don't quite know yet." He replies, he's flustered.

"Oh mk, you don't have to know and you don't have to tell people," I say as we approach the gas station.

"But you're confident about it," Dee says.

"Dee, we just met today theres a lot you don't know. And I'm not confident, whatsoever." I say holding the door open.

"When you stood up to those boys that looked confident." He says as I grab 2 mango loco monsters.

"That wasn't confidence, for me, in my house, that was survival," I reply.

"What?" Dee asks.

"Nothing mind. What kind of snacks do you want?" I asked standing in front of the snacks.

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