Chapter 1

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What a long day of washing hair and braiding it. My skin was tingling under the sun after a cold bath. I was very happy with my own company but then an angel suddenly appeared in front of me

"Fairy what are you doing here on earth."

"Fairy? How did you just.....Omg am i seeing an angel."

"Fairy, go back to the realm, there I'll decide your punishment."

"Who is a fairy? I'm not for sure."

"Someone with such hair wouldn't be a fairy?"

"So all that differenciates a fairy from normal human beings are their hair?"

"Stop resiting or I'll take you back and if I do it myself your punishment will be increased.".

"Alright, first of all I'm not a fairy. Can't you use some stuff to find out, like some powder, some special lights or even a spell. Call a witch! I want to see a witch, i mean a witch can probably do something."

"Interesting character. Let's go back."

"What!? No."

He grabbed me by my waist, he really does look like an angel, what an aura, what a strong smell of knowledge I smell from him, he's probably 80x my grandpa's age or even 100+x so i should keep my eyes low. It took us days and months to reach and at the same time only a blink, a sec, a millisecond! I'm gonna be in big trouble when they find out I'm only a normal human being, they'll probably erase my memory or even kill me but i don't want to forget this reality, a reality beyond logic and beyond what 21st century humans have seen or perhaps I'm actually a fairy, wouldn't that be so exciting, life is boring anyways.

I blew a kiss at the ground knowing I'm upgrading from my surroundings."Bye earth leaves, nature, beauty. And cockroaches, i hope i don't see you around."

"Where are we?" I asked. He seemed a little annoyed, probably though my act was now too long. He kept walking and I was supposed to follow so i did. There were so many flowers I had never seen, there was water that smelled like as sweet as honey and as light as clouds. I was tempted to drink it but I likely should not, I'm already in some trouble but I'm so excited.

We entered this very big hall, it was so vast. It had almost all colors but seemed just as elegant and modest. Everyone appeared like a higher person, I felt really small in front of their auras and their at the front sat the emperor. Also keeping in mind i was wearing pajamas when everyone dressed like it's their wedding. Everyone seemed a little confused even the emperor had a frown, the guy or the divine angel who had taken me so high bowed down and greeted the emperor so i followed the same act.

"What is the matter son." The emperor spoke.

"Father, this fairy I found on earth, I don't remember sending this fairy on earth. You may investigate, my pride."

"Fairy, what is your name." The emperor asked me.

Obviously it was my first time talking to an angel or potentially a God. I said "Acro, my pride."

I got so scared when everyone clenched their bodies and a little gasp left their mouth.

The angel looked at me with shock. "How do you dare." One of the, probably, ministers asked.

I didn't wanted to be executed right away, i wanted to know little more about the worlds other than earth and the emperor's son was cute. I fell to the ground asking what was my fault. I had to be dramatic knowing how enraged his question was aksed

He said "How come you find yourself eligable enough to use my pride. Only the childrens of the emperor can use it." Then he turned to the emperor and requested, "My lord, you must punish this low-lived fairy to set an example."

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