chapter 2

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Someone laughed from a distance which made me furious, "Ayyyeee!" I yelled, "come out laugh in front of my face. You dare, pussy." I was about to die and lose my innocence and this random dude is laughing. 

"Pussy, what's that." Lord asked. 

"Leave it my lord, not everything in the world can be known by you." 

"Okay calm down its my uncle." 

"Your uncle?" I exclaimed, "How old is he." 

"About 10600 years?" 

"That old and still won't come out." 

"Ayyyee! Come out now. What's the problem." 

"Okay." I heard a muffled voice approching me. And the next moment I was engulfed by water. 

"Ahhhhhh!!! Lord i don't know how to swim. Help me. Ahhhh." I screamed, "I'm dying or perhaps I am dead. No, I've never tried pork belly i can't die like this." 

Lord's uncle started laughing again. 

"It's not deep stop being dramatic." That mischievous uncle spoke. 

I was gasping air in disillusion. 

"Fairy, this is my uncle, lord..." 

"...Scumbag" I completed. I think I'm getting too comfortable. 

"No, lord Ru xailion.", "He used to be the water immortal." 

I was afterall a maid so i had to greet the uncle in a sweet voice but my expression showed my mind and thoughts of him. He is probably the one who pushed me in the water. 

"Greetings to the lord." 


"Does lord only laugh." 

"I think we will be good friends in future, fairy." 

"That's my pleasure lord." 

"Okay, enough look how wet you are, let's go back before you catch cold." Dun dun interrupted.

"I doubt this stubborn lady would let the cold catch him." Lord's uncle added. 

"Enough, na, uncle." Lord said. "Let's go."

I'm going to watch this uncle very well when I get a hold of him. I was just putting in my earring when lord startled me by lifting me up. 

"It's fine dun dun, i can walk, I'm not hurt." 

"I said I'll keep you safe, I'm only following my duties don't overthink it." 

Overthink it? Of course i won't. You have a boyfriend. I thought in my head. Play Boys are the worst. 

"By the way lord what were saying about the lethal berries." I asked while holding his neck. 

"If you don't know already you then don't need to know now."

"No, I'm very curious lord. Please tell me." 

Okay I get it i was being annoying. But i really wanted to know why this lord thinks i was there to steal some "leathal berries", lethal is literally a posion, why would I steal it. It's not even a great deal. These lord's and royal people are too skeptical of their surroundings. Too much overthinking.

I asked him twice and thrice, his face and focus was straight ahead. 

"Okay fairy, you're indeed very stubborn." He said to me in annoyance. He raised his arm, i thought he'd beat me, these royal people are very wealthy with anger issues. "I'm tired now." He said and with a sway of his arm his sleeves spread wide and we teleported in his chamber back. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2022 ⏰

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