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Chapter 7

It's been a few days that I have been staying in this reality and I can say that I have adapted to this place.

I've been cautious about the apocalypse and nothing seems to happen.

Everyday feels like a normal high school live that I have been through for 18 year's and now, I had two more extra year to be in highschool for a second time.

I really cherish the time I have been spending with the people in this reality. I have a amazing parent, an easy daily life, and I managed to get a few people to be my friend's. I've been trying to help some people that got either bully or something like that.

For example, min eun-ji. At the time I was just wondering around the the area nearby the school cause I was curious. Because curiosity what kill the cat, I ended up finding her getting bullied by those idiotic crack head. I want to interrupt them but i am scared of doing so because of a certain bad memories.

I was turning around to see if there is anyone who can help me, preferably one of the boy to stop this inappropriate action.

On my way out, I bump into someone and that is su-hyeok. Perfect timing and coincidence, I told him what's going on and he went straight past through me.

Su-hyeok confronted them and pulled her away from them. I suddenly remembered that this situation is almost the same as the scene  in the series. The only difference between them is that they didn't threatened the poor girl.

I guess the bullying will get worse until the apocalypse happened. After we're out of the scene, I tried to comfort the girl and gave her some advice to avoid them in someway.

I told her that she isn't alone and she can just find me if she feeling lonely. I'm not a main character that have power to just speak and all of the sudden, they motivated or have anime power of friendship things. But this is the least I can do to help her in some way.

Reporting this to the faculty member or the principal is useless at this point. The principal only care about money, political issue and reputation of the school.

I've tried to talk to them about the bullying issue and I even ask Mr Lee to help me consulting this horrible mistreatment towards this whole situation.

But it only end with that I have no right to talk about this and the bully can just get away by writing an essay on their wrongdoing. I am pissed up but this so called leader of the school!

I was about to dispute more argument but I was stop by Mr Lee before I was able to do anything else. I was drag out and I asked Mr Lee the reason why he pulled me outside the room.

"Mr Lee, why didn't you let me finish about it? This is a serious matter because bullying can cause mental and physical abused to the bullying victim. I can't just stand on the side and keep seeing people that I know keep getting this horrible treatment by those idiotic crack head. Plus, it can cause many issue and might lead to the victim......death maybe..."

"I understand that you want to help you're friend but there's nothing you can do when you're just a high school student.

Even when I had a position but i can't even do anything about this whole situation. I'm grateful that you tried to help and I'm forever grateful for what you've done. Just leave this and study for you're future."

After that,he just went ahead and go somewhere else while I'm just standing in the middle of the hallway, dumbfounded. Is there no way to change this? If I can't change the cause, the only hope I can have for now is definitely change the other way around.

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