Chapter 14

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Cassidy's pov
"Cass wake up" Jack said lightly shaking me.
"It's 6:30 in the morning leave me alone." I said putting a pillow over my head.
"Fine I'll just go to magcon without you" he said closing the door. I sprinted out of bed and yelled at Jack.
"Wait Jack I'm up" I said laughing. I brushed my teeth and put my hair into a messy bun. I applied some cheap mascara. I slipped on some black nike shorts, black vans, and an old cheer shirt. I put on some perfume and grabbed my suitcase I packed last night. I grabbed my carry on and walked downstairs.
"Ready to go!" I said half yelling. I grabbed the house keys and closed the door locking it. We took my car to the airport and parked it in the parking lot and walked into the airport. We made our way through security and obviously got sole Starbucks. We made our way to our gate and sat down. I laid my head on jacks shoulder and watched him tweet fans.
"Flight 306 boarding now" the lady said and we made our way onto the airplane. I was sitting next to Nick on the flight and I was happy because we weren't talking that much anymore.
"Hey bud" I said messing his hair up.
"Hey Cassidy" he said laughing. He was laughing at something on his phone and I was really curious.
"Whatcha laughing about" I said smirking.
"None of your business" he said back.
"Oh really" I said snatching the phone out of his hand. I began reading the messages and they were with a girl.
"Who is this" I said.
"Some girl I met at last magcon" he said blushing taking his phone back.
"Oh my god her! She was so pretty" I said pinching his cheeks.
"And how would you know what she looks like?" He said giving me a dirty look. I bit my lip to hold back a laugh. He rolled his eyes and plugged his headphones in. Well then.
*after flight*
"Hi we're here for Magcon" I said smiling.
"Ah yes room 717" she said giving me a room key.
"Thank you" I said taking the room key and heading towards the elevator.
"There's a new girl here. Her names Taylor Alesia and her and Taylor are dating." Jack said. I nodded my head and smiled at him. He winked and licked his lips and I could practically hear my heartbeat. Right before I opened the door I remembered cam was going to be here. I slowly walked away from the door and felt my stomach drop.
"Babe what's wrong" Jack said putting his hand on my back.
"Cams in there" I said chewing on my bottom lip.
"It's okay princess. Just tell me if he's being a dick to you okay?" he said. I nod my head and I unlock the door. We walk in and everyone tackles me into a hug. I hug everyone back except cam who was sitting on the couch talking on the phone. I hug Maggie, mahogany and Madison and see a very very pretty girl standing next to Maggie.
"Hi I'm Cassidy. Your sooooo pretty" I say laughing a bit.
"Awh thank you so much! But your really pretty too!" She says giving me a hug.
"Oh by the way I'm Taylor Alesia" she says smiling. I can already tell we're gonna be best friends. Speaking of best friends I remember I haven't talked to Valentina. Ever since I left for magcon. She didn't even text me saying sorry. Oh well. We were in a gigantic hotel room. It must've been the pent house. It had 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, a huge kitchen, a balcony, a living room and a huge TV. I smiled to myself and walked to the bedroom that Tay was staying in. (Taylor caniff- Taylor. Taylor Alesia- Tay).
I walked back into the living room and sat on the couch going through my Twitter feed following a couple fans. I favorited their tweets of them freaking out I followed them and got butterflies. They just made me so happy.
"Hey guys can everyone sit in the living room we have to talk" Bart said. Everyone filled into the living room and Jack sat me on his lap. Taylor and Tay sat next to me and Tay and I kept talking.
"We have some bad news guys" Bart said.
"This is our last magcon stop. Magcon is no longer ours anymore." He said pulling out a wad of cash out of his pocket. He began counting it and threw it on the table.
"No one is buying the tickets anymore and people are complaining it's too much." He said rolling his eyes.
"Are you fucking serious. That's fucking bullshit" Taylor said and Tay tried to calm him down but he just ignored her. All the guys including Jack walked out of tie hotel room slamming the door. Us girls stayed in the living room shocked.
"Wow it's done" Madison said and everyone teared up except Tay but I understood why. I stood up and walked into the room Tay and I were sharing. I called my parents just to hear the voice mail.
"Hey it's cassidyyyy and my parents can't come to the phone right now but leave a message!" I said with my moms laugh in the background.
"Hey mommy" I said tearing up. "I miss you. A lot has happened since you left. Well let's see, I made a bunch of new friends. Nick is flirting with some girl. Jack and I are really close. But this is the last magcon cause Bart's a douche bag. I really miss you and Adam, and daddy and eric. I've gotten a lot more anxiety since you left. I can't even get in touch with grams anymore. I've been having these weird dreams. I just miss you mommy. Tell everyone I said hi. I love you" I said hanging up. The tears were coming out of my eyes and looked at my lock screen of my dad, eric, Nick, my mom and I. I smiled and wiped my tears away. I sighed and fixed my makeup and walked back out. I sat down next to Tay and we were talking learning more about each other.
"Come on its Miami lets go exploring!" Tay said taking my hand.
"We should change into something more beachy" i said laughing.
"Wanna pick out my outfit!" I said. She nodded her head and looked through my bag. She pulled out a white strapless romper and brown toms. She pulled out a silver chain with a yellow sun on it. I walked into the bathroom and put it on and walked back out to see Tay wearing white shorts, a black tank top and a red bandana with black vans. We grabbed our phones and walked out the hotel room and made our way to the beach. We couldn't find the boys but we just shrugged it off.
"We should rent two bikes and act like idiots" Tay said laughing.
"Oh my god yessss lets go!" I said and we ran to the bike shop.
"Hi can we rent two bikes please" Tay said and we gave the man the money.
"We should take a pic" Tay said. I nodded my head and saw a couple girls. We walked over to them and the screeched. We took a couple pics of them and followed their twitters.
"Hey babe would you mind taking a picture of us" I asked one of the girls. She wiped away her tears and nodded. Tay and I got on the bikes and peddled forward a bit and I heard her take a couple pictures. (Picture in media box). We rode back over to them and hugged them all again and she gave my phone. We looked at the pic and chose the one of us holding hands. I posted it on titter and Instagram with the comment "nowhere I'd rather be🌴💙" and tagged her. We rode the bikes around a little more laughing out asses off. We brought the bikes back to the man and thanked him.
"Wanna go get some starbucks" I said and Tay agreed. We raced each other there laughing the whole Time. We both ordered a twix frappe and waited in line. We went through the comments on the pic smiling about all the nice comments and they think we're BFF goals. Once we got our drinks we walked back to the hotel and let ourselves into the room. We saw Madison and Maggie on the couch watching sinister. We snuck up behind them and screamed BOO! They both screamed and threw their popcorn all over us.
"Holy shit guys you scared the period out of me thanks guys" Maggie said laughing walked to the bathroom. Madison on the other hand was dying of laughter. We laughed with her and watched the rest of the movie with them. At 8 pm all the boys came back drunk of their asses.
"What the hell" Madison said. Jack came up to me and kissed my neck. I slowly pushed him off of me looking in his eyes. He was stoned.
"Were you smoking weed?" I asked rolling my eyes.
"Maybe" he said walking to the kitchen tripping over his own foot. He fell and laid there. I was laughing so hard I couldn't breath. I walked over to him and helped him up and he sat on the stool.
"I'm thirsty" he said licking his lips. I grabbed a cup from the cabinet but he got up and stopped me.
"Not that kind of thirsty" he said biting his lip.
"What kind of thirsty?" I said completely confused. He walked over to me and kissed my neck biting it gently. I bit my lip and pulled away.
"Jack later" I said laughing.
"Ugh whatever. I want to watch lazy town." He said walking to the living room. I followed him and sat down next to him. I knew he hated lazy town and was terrified of it but I watched him do it anyway cause I knew it was going to be amusing. He found an episode on Netflix and began watching it. When it started he started screaming and crying. I was currently on the floor with tears of laughter coming out of my eyes. He got down on the floor and hid behind me. I turned around and his face fell into my chest which was a lotto awkward because his face was basically down my shirt and I could feel water droplets.
"Okay Jack come on let's get you showered" I said helping him stand up.
"How many beers did you drink" I said. He started counting his fingers and when he got to three, he said 7.
"Oh jack" I said laughing. We walked into my bathroom and he leaned against the wall. I helped him take his shirt off and his khakis. He took his socks and vans of and put them on the counter folding the socks nearly causing me to chuckle. He got to the waistband of his underwear and just pulled the down but thank god I shielded my eyes before I could see anything.
"Jack finnegan gilinsky" I screamed.
"What" he said Turing the shower on. I rolled my eyes and heard the shower curtain shut.
"Your a strange boy" I said smiling.

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