Chapter 1

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A baby's cry rang out through the night inside a two-story cottage

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A baby's cry rang out through the night inside a two-story cottage.

Up in the master bedroom, a couple lay in bed, sleeping until the cry was released once more, one of them stirred and rose up to reveal a man with messy black hair and rubbing his vibrant green eyes, he gave out a small yawn before he proceeded to get out of bed when an arm shot out and wrapped itself around his waist.

"Ced...I need to check up on Edward." The green-eyed beauty whispered softly to the other sleeping man who groaned and spoke back hoarsely with a sleepy tone. "Let me do it...go back to bed, Harry." Harry James Potter sighed and lied back down next to his husband who got up and rubbed his eyes, the crying continued and Cedric Amos Diggory left the bed and the room.

It has been about a few months since he and Harry left the Wizarding World with their newborn son, when he was born Cedric was in tears and so proud to be a father.

To be a father to his son he made with Harry.

A few months or a year ago before Edward was born, he and Harry dated after the First Task of the Triwizard Tournament, before the Third Task, Harry began showing pregnancy symptoms and Professor Snape ended up checking up on him to reveal he was indeed pregnant, Professor Snape instantly changed after learning his least favorite student was pregnant, proceeding to tell them what Dumbledore had planned for Harry, what he was suppose to do before and after defeating Voldemort. 

Harry refused it and asked for the Potions Master help, Snape agreed and helped them both prepare for their new life before the Third Task came around, he dealt with Harry's Gringotts vaults and inheritance, Cedric's own personal vault merging with Harry's. During the weeks, Harry made sure to hide signs after learning about Dumbledore's and his supposed friend's true aim, he began being accompanied by the Slytherins and even made peace with Malfoy.

The Third Task was a nightmare with the Blasted-End Skrewts and the Portkey cup, Voldemort's return and Cedric's near death. They were ready to leave, after getting out of the graveyard alive and experiencing how truly horrible the Minister was. After the tournament, Harry gave birth to their son on June 20th at Hogwarts, hidden by the castle herself. Snape took Edward for awhile as Cedric packed his things and left his home in the middle of the night, heading to Privet Drive to save Harry from his relatives. Snape helped them leave to their new home in America with the Floo network connected to their new home which was shortly cut off when they arrived.

Their new home was in the America's where their own Wizarding World was kind enough to hide them away from Dumbledore, they moved to Chicago, Illinois where they stayed since then. Snape returned to Britain and made an exact clone of the both of them made from their hair samples and a bit of their magic. It would keep Dumbledore from noticing that they were truly gone, not even Mad-Eye with his magical eye can see the difference.

Cedric gave a small hum as he calmed his son down when he entered the nursery and picked his son up from his crib, he checked if his son needed a change and if he was hungry. He frowned and asked, "Did you have a nightmare, bud?" Edward was a quiet baby who only cried when he needed a change or he needed food or if something made him upset which was rare at best, his son who inherited Harry's green eyes as his blue eyes began to turn green slowly, his hair was a combination of brown and black with a little bit of red from Lily Evans Potter, gave a small cry and clutched his shirt tighter when he tried to put him back down in his crib. Cedric gave a small sigh and headed back to Harry.

Harry looked up when he heard the door open, barely sleeping since he was waiting for his husband, Cedric came in with Edward in his arms. 

"Did something upset him?" Harry ask as his husband and son moved to lay down with him on the bed, Edward in between them. "A nightmare, I guess. He doesn't want to sleep in the nursery." Cedric told him, pulling the covers over him and Edward who gave a little sigh before he closed his eyes and quickly drifted off to sleep. Harry gave a small smile and kissed his baby's head, he got comfortable and bid Cedric a goodnight who returned it with a smile.

That night, the family of three slept in peace...





.... *THUD*


Cedric shot up when he heard the loud thuds from downstairs and the sounds of muffled cursing, Harry rose up and carefully yet quickly took Edward into his arms who began to fuss, Cedric got out of bed and grabbed his wand hidden under his pillow for safe keeping, Harry held his son closer and bit his nervously, watching as Cedric exited the room before he gestured for him to hide. The smaller husband got out the bed and hid inside the walk in closet, making sure to lock it from inside.

Cedric headed downstairs, his steps careful and quiet. He heard muffled voices and peaked down the stairs to see the front door was wide open and saw two men, talking to each other frantically. 

He held his wand tighter and casted a notice-me-not charm over himself and silencing charm as well, he crept down the stairs, the two men had their backs facing towards him as they spoke to each other frantically in whispers. 

He raised his arm and casted, "Stupefy!" He shot one to the left who fell, the right turned around and Cedric froze, the charms over himself fell as he stared at the man before him.

"Professor Lupin?" 

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