Wolf Knight

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Rizal and the Knight were walking down a path in the woods to Fartion. Rizal then says, "so now that we are traveling together I never got your name, Miss Knight." The Knight then says, "it's Aurora." Rizal then says, "so you think we make it to Fartion in one piece." Aurora then says, "we will see we have the Imperial army after us now, especially The Aion Knights they have." Rizal then thinks, "man this is going to be a pain but with Acacius with us, we can make it to Fartion." They then travel through the woods till they stop at what looks like a giant Ice Fortress. Aurora then says, "what is this we are nowhere near a tundra." Rizal then says, "yeah this isn't supposed to be here." Aurora then says, "it could be the power of an Aion Knight." Rizal then says, "I have a bad feeling but if we go the other way we will be seen by airships." Aurora then says, "right let's go through then." They then enter the Ice like a fortress.

Rizal and Aurora enter the Ice Fortress they enter into a giant room where they see a man sitting on an icy rock. The Man was an average size man he had long blonde hair, green eyes and really pale skin he wore a blue dress shirt with brown trousers with black boots and he wore what looked like a metal headband. Aurora then thinks, "I never saw him before is he is new." The man gives a blank look. Rizal then thinks, "what's wrong with this guy he seems like a zombie." The man sits up and raises his left hand there was a wolf head silver ring. Aurora then says, "he an Aion Knight." The Man Ring then glows and a flash appears. The Man was wearing what look like light blue armor it had gray fur on the shoulders and the bottom of the torso. He wore Gauntlets that had wolf claws on the end where the fist is and gray fur on the other side. He also wore a wolf head helmet with fur coming out the sides. Rizal then thinks, "there is no way we are not getting out of this easy." Rizal then shows his ring. The Acacius Ring then roars and turns into golden armor and goes on Rizal. He had golden shoulder pads and gauntlets. He had a helmet and it look like a dragon's head with the face revealed. Rizal then says, "Alright here I go." The Wolf Knight then lunges at Rizal at a fast speed. Rizal falls back onto the ground then gets back up and says, "listen I rather not fight you." The Wolf Knight just gives him a blank stare and goes for another attack with his right fist. Rizal then dodges to the side. Rizal then says, "hey are you listening." Aurora then thinks, "this guy he no ordinary Imperial Soldier." Rizal then thinks, "I can't use that one attack it drains all the time I have with my armor and makes me tired." The Wolf Knight then goes for a kick with his right to Rizal's torso and he goes flying back to the icy wall it cracks on impact. Rizal then thinks, "damn maybe if I can get in one place I can use Divine Cross." Aurora then says, "you shouldn't use that one move if you miss then we are screwed here." Rizal then thinks, "yeah right but what should I do." Rizal then thinks a bit more but then has a memory of his father and him.

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