{Chapter 3} Finding a Job

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They decided to wait until at least one of them found a job to officially adopt the child. And they were trying their bests.
This afternoon, Regina decided to visit a nearby hotel, it was about 15-20 minutes away (walking), she didn't have any other ideas, she already every coffee shop and grocery stores she could think.
She walked in, with her usual good posture and elegant clothes, she didn't show how stressed she was feeling, but it was all there. "Hello, I'm trying to find if I can apply for a job here please?" She asked politely. "Uh, I don't really know if we need help here, I'm just an employee, and the manager, is on vacation, but I could try to ask the owner if you want?" The employee with the tag "John" replied. "Yes please! I really appreciate it, thank you." She said thankful and hopeful. John smiled and nodded, then made a call. Meanwhile Regina was looking around, she did not realize how good this place was. The decoration was beautiful. And it did remind her a bit of the forest... Also, due to summer's warm weather, the AC was clearly turned on, it was good since she spent 15 minutes walking under the hot sun.
"Ma'am?" John interrupted her thoughts. She turned around to see him. "He said you can go in his office. Good luck, I hope he finds you a job here." He said smiling. Regina was already feeling welcomed in this place, and she hoped to get a job here as well. She thanked John one more time, he gave her the directions to the office and she knocked, heard a "come in" then got in.
"Hello." She said, trying to regain her calm. She needed that job. Her family needed her to get that job.
There was a man, she couldn't describe yet, because his face was hidden by his computer. Although, when she spoke up, he moved away thanks to his green chair with small wheels, giving her his full attention. Yet when their eyes met, it was as if time had stopped.
They both got lost into each other's eyes. And it was the man who broke the silence. "Good-afternoon, I'm Robin Locksley, I heard you're trying to find a job?" He said. Surprisingly, she wasn't feeling like any of this was that awkward, even though if it was someone else, she would've been really awkward right now. But she was not expecting the British accents, and paired with his looks, she felt as if she might forget how to speak for the second time in the past minute. Or more. For how long have they been staring into each other's eyes? "Yes, indeed, and I was hoping you could help me with this?" She said. "Well I'll surely try my best Mrs....?" He said, waiting to get her name. That's when she realized she didn't even present herself yet. "Oh right, sorry! My name is Regina. Regina Mills."
His eyes widened. Making Regina confused. She assumed something, but to make sure of it, she had to ask. "Have we meet before?" Maybe they had and she forgot, but there was no way at the same time! How was this possible? Maybe when they were children? Or maybe- "I doubt I would ever forget meeting you." He replied. Oh so they haven't met. Then what was his reaction for?
"And tell me, how old are you, Regina?" He asked. And she didn't have to think to reply 18. He was thoughtful for a bit before asking another question, and that was... unexpected.

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