{Chapter 4} Indirect help

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"What did you choose when you were 16?" Since it was her first interview, she didn't know if everyone asked this question, but knew she had to. "I had to choose between giving a certain amount of money to a homeless person or keep it to myself." She said. "It doesn't answer my question though; what did you choose?" He was very patient and remained calm even when Regina didn't answer his question correctly, she wasn't feeling nervous, just confused. "I gave it away." She replied. "And do you regret this decision now?" She didn't see what did this have to do with getting the job, but she needed to answer every question if she wanted to get it. "Absolutely not. And even if I got to choose again, I'll make the same decision." And she was being honest. Yes, she was in a tough situation and the money could help, but she wasn't homeless. She still had friends to reply on if things got worse. She still had her sister even when this one was now living far away. And she was young. Who knows? Maybe it was an old homeless who needed money. Or someone in need of medicines that were too expensive. Every day she was thinking of it, the choice she made. And every time, she would be so proud of her 16 years old self who made the right decision. "How much was it?" He asked. "If I remember correctly about 100 000 000$" She answered.
Seeing the confidence and sincerity in her voice and manners, and how detailed she was about it was enough to prove Robin she meant every word.
"Then congratulations." Hearing this took Regina aback. "Did I get the job?" Was it that easy?
"Even more. You got half the hotel in your name milady." Either he's a good actor or completely crazy. What was he talking about?
Seeing the confusion on her face, he chuckled and elaborated.
"Two years ago, I was homeless until this one day, I look up to find that someone named Regina Mills offered me the generous amount of 100 000 000$. It helped me more than you could ever imagine. You helped me more than my choice did! And even though I was no educated, even though all my life I've been a homeless thief, I was still smart enough to invest until I made this hotel, then with the help of my friends, I became the man who I am today, but it was all thanks to you and the choice you made. I never forgot it. When I got a phone, I looked you up, sadly I didn't find anything, but I did find the meaning of your name. And Queen does fit you well. But anyway, I even named this place 'The Regal Hotel' after you. And you get half of it. And I didn't tell you about it sooner because well I never got a way to contact you to let you know about it."
She couldn't believe it.
He was the homeless person she helped. And now, her kindness is being rewarded. She could adopt the baby, and take care of her parents. She owned half of a very successful hotel! The talk of the town!
Lost in her thoughts again, she hadn't realized that Robin stood up and came in front of her, extending his hand to help her up. She didn't know what else to do so she took it and followed him. They got out of his office, but didn't return to the lobby. They stayed there, in front of them a door with the words "Manager Will Scarlet" on it. Another room with "Staff room" and then, what confirmed all of this was not a sick joke, a door with "Regina Mills" Written in gold on a dark wooden door, similar to all the others expect this one was hers. He opened the door to a simple office, not yet decorated, that belonged to her. Her office was right next to his, not just in front of it like the other office, but right next to it. "Welcome to your new office milady."

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