: | : Hollyleaf/Fallen Leaves : | :

115 1 5

Word Count: 546

    Hollyleaf  lay at the tunnel entrance, or what used to be an entrance, anyway. 

    She believed her  biggest mistake was to dash into the tunnels, rocks tumbling at her heavy paw steps, leaving her brothers - and the rest of her Clan - believing she was dead.

    She wished the rocks would just... Disappear. She wished she had some sort of power, but alas, she was useless.

    Hollyleaf heard a small squeak coming from her right. A mouse must've crawled through the rocks. Hollyleaf wished she could become a mouse. None of this would've happened.

    Hollyleaf forced her mind back at the mouse, and her stomach growled. She slowly and silently crept into a hunter's crouch, creeping towards the feeble creature. With one swift leap, she landed on the mouse, and quickly bit its neck before it could squeak. She was always the best hunter in ThunderClan.

    As she glanced up, the mouse limp in her jaws, a gentle glow came from deeper in the cave. "Fallen Leaves!" She happily gasped. "Want some mouse?"

    Fallen Leaves shifted between his paws. "Er.." He smiled.

    Hollyleaf's eyes widened. "Oh! I'm so sorry!" Fallen Leaves broke out in laughter.

    Fallen Leaves trotted towards Hollyleaf, and motioned to deeper in the tunnels. "C'mon. There's a place I've yet to show you." Hollyleaf sighed.

    "There's a million places you've yet to show me."

    The two walked silently to the place Fallen Leaves mentioned. It was very dark, but Hollyleaf could hear the sound of a small waterfall, streams around them, and a hoot from an owl. Suddenly, moonlight from an opening in the ceiling poured into the clearing. Hollyleaf shuddered. She recognized this place.

    It was the place where Hollyleaf had been, looking for kits as an apprentice. The cave had flooded, and her and Jayfeather, Lionblaze, Breezepelt, Heathertail, and the kits barely survived.

    Fallen Leaves noticed Hollyleaf's discomfort, and invited her next to the water. "Are you sure?" Hollyleaf stuttered.

    Fallen Leaves sighed. "It will be fine. The cave hasn't flooded in moons." 

    Hollyleaf unintentionally gasped. How did he know I was thinking of the flooding? Hollyleaf remembers seeing a blurry, shadowed figure standing on top of the cave, with some sort of stick. No, that surely wasn't Fallen Leaves, right? Fallen Leaves only emitted dim, ghostly light, and he didn't care about sticks!

    "What?" Fallen Leaves asked while laying down. She layed next to her dead friend, his breath calmed Hollyleaf down, and she took a bite of mouse.

    "Nothing." She meowed while chewing.

    Fallen Leaves rested his head and puffed. There was silence between the two, except for Hollyleaf's chewing. Hollyleaf finished her mouse and threw it into the water, staining it ever so slightly red. She placed her head next to Fallen Leaves's. 

    "You're really nice to me." Fallen Leaves finally spoke. "I mean- I'm glad I'm stuck with someone nice and not some mouse-brained fox-heart." He gave a little chuckle.

    "You're good too." Hollyleaf said.

    "Only good?" Fallen Leaves yelled, smiling.

    "Yeah, Too weird." Hollyleaf mumbled. The tom chuckled at her response. Fallen Leaves closed his eyes and drifted to sleep. Hollyleaf wondered what Fallen Leaves would be dreaming. "Please StarClan, guide me and Fallen Leaves's path." She whispered, before eventually snoozing too.

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