: | : Tallstar/Jake : | :

74 1 3

Word Count: 559

The sun was coming down, enchanting the sky with an orange and pink palette. Tallstar was quietly nearing twolegplace, hoping he could find someone special.

Tallstar remembered many moons ago, when he found the kittypet Jake, who helped him on his mission to kill Sparrow, but in the end, made Tallstar change his mind.

Tallstar smelt the familiar scent of twolegs, he was now on the other side of the fence. Quickly climbing up, Tallstar found Jake watching the outside. Jake looked to his left, and Tallstar saw his twoleg open an almost invisible block. Jake jumped outside, and the twoleg closed the wall.

"Jake!" Tallstar whispered.

Jake flew up in surprise. "Who's there?!" He meowed. Jake glanced up and saw Tallstar. "Talltail!" He stared in shock.

Tallstar felt his eyes start to water. It had been so long seen he last talked to Jake. "I'm actually known as Tallstar now.." Jake stood there in silence.

"You're... You're back..?" Jake's voice was tinted with joy.

Tallstar sighed. "Not for long, though. It's very important." He jumped to the other side of the fence, towards the wilderness. "Follow me!"

Jake and Tallstar ran away from his twoleg den, dodging the undergrowth beneath them. Fast and urgently, they reached the last mouse length of forest, and stopped.

"Jake, I'm sorry, but I'm leaving." Before Jake's eyes could water more then they already were, Tallstar went on. "I love you, and if I could make a choice, I would stay here for the rest of my moons."

Jake shivered. "Why??" He wailed.

Tallstar looked away from Jake, not being able to stand his sad expression. "I'm sorry! The only choice is for you to join me, but I can't leave my clanmates!.." His eyes lay on the ground.

"Tallstar I can't join you. I love my twolegs. I know I love you more, but my twolegs are... They're special.." Jake trailed off. He knew it was mouse brained to leave his home, but the urge was strong.

He went on. "Tallstar, I've changed. I'm older, I've had kits, and-"

Tallstar interrupted him. "I know. You had a kit. Their name is Firekit. I know..." Tallstar remembered the orange tom. He looked at Firestar as if he were his own son. I wish... He reminisced.

"You know?! What does he look like?! Is he Flame colored? Does he have green eyes??" Jake was in shock.

Tallstar was taken aback by all the questions. "Erm- well, yes. Handsome flame colored tom with green eyes, just like you." He confirmed.

Jake's jaw dropped. "And he's in the Clans?"

"Firestar. He is... Amazing." Tallstar knew Firestar was a gift from StarClan... Perhaps to him.

The two sat in pure tranquility. Only the birds interrupted the stillness. Jake's eyes were still watering. Finally, Tallstar spoke. "I love you. I cannot describe my love for you in words. I wish I could never leave you, but the twolegs are ruining my home."

Jake sighed. "I feel the same way. I'll miss you."

"I must go now! My Clan is waiting for me." Tallstar stepped towards Jake. Their noses collided, and time seemed to stand still. Tallstar let go, and faced towards WindClan.

"I'll miss you, let this be a place of history... Farewell Jake!" Tallstar yowled. His stomach churned with intense sadness... Potentially worse then when Sandgorse died..

"Goodbye! I'll never forget you or this moment!.." Jake's last words echoed into the air, and Tallstar leapt away.

A/N: I'm sorry, this was very sad, and kind of short, but I couldn't help myself. This story was requested by @Person98473 .

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