A unfixable fracture

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The walk home was rather entertaining for Tea Leaf however Cuphead was still at it completely embarrassing his twin brother. Well at least they were at home now, Cup was actually the most excited since he absolutely loved meeting new people. Mug on the other hand was just observing from afar, only joining in the convos when cups or Tea Leaf asked him to.

"TEA LEAF TEA LEAFFFF!!!!!! WHAT SHALL WE DO?!?!?" Cuphead exclaiming wearing a huge smile on his face, he had so many plans on what to do, what to talk about and what to teach him about so it actually were a rather fun experience for him.

"Well um... Perhaps we could hmm..." Tea Leaf mumbled trying to think of some ideas for them to both do together. Mugman really wished he could find socializing as easy as his brother did but unfortunately the mug has pretty bad social anxiety so... he can't help but sometimes freeze up trying to talk to new people that he barely knows without the help of his older brother. All he can do at the moment is just hope that they'll bring him into the fun eventually.

"OH WE COULD PLAY TAG! Well If you're up to it... I'M REALLY REALLY GOOD AT THAT GAME THOUGH SO JUST BE WARNED HAHA!!!" Tea Leaf blurted out and Cups agreed to the game literally as soon as he heard him speak and he even decided to let Mugman join in which actually made his heart melt a little.

It wasn't even like any of them needed to explain the rules since it seemed as if everyone there had already played it at least once, that was helpful on Tea Leaf's part so that meant that they could get to playing immediately.

Tea Leaf was it first, he gave the boys a ten second headstart before he started running after them. He was having the absolute time of his life, running as if his life depending on it. The brothers actually were very surprised to see how fast the little teacup was. It only made Cuphead more ambitious and Mugman more anxious.

To his surprise Mugman got tagged first and well just because he was rather nervous didn't mean that he was bad at it, he just didn't like being chased as much as being it.

"I'M COMIN' FOR YA CUPS!!!!!" Mugman yelled out pointing his right hand towards his brother now running closer and closer towards him. He was actually rather experienced when it came to tag, since he and Cuphead always seem to play it whenever they have nothing else to do.

It wasn't too long before he tapped the cups shoulder signaling to him that now he was on, when it came to which brother was more advanced... Cuphead was the absolute champion.
He had never missed a chance to play it with his younger brother. Even sometimes he randomly runs around the house which makes him rather speedy for a little cup like him and since Tea Leaf was rather competitive as well it made him wayyyy more confident in trying to prove him that he was the best one.

"I'M GOING TO GET TEA LEAF AND SHOW HIM THAT I'M THE CHAMPION OF TAG!!!!" Cuphead chuckled with determination, his only focus was now on Tea Leaf nobody else. He had to get him as soon as possible to show him who was the real boss here, he wasn't going to prove his brother wrong about him being the best.

"GET HERE YOU LITTL-" Cuphead was now even more closer to his opponent, he was starting to actually catch up to him and now Tea Leaf was actually starting to get pretty tired and dizzy from running endlessly. He started to slow down the pace but that didn't stop Cuphead from getting closer and closer and closer and...


Cuphead and Mugman overheard a overwhelmingly loud sound and now he was rather scared. It seemed like he had accidentally shoved Tea Leaf a little too violently and the thoughts was starting to get to his head...

"Not again... Not again please not again... N-N-N-NOOOO THIS CAN'T BE!!!" Cuphead thought starting to shake from how much stress he was put over, this had happened once with Mugman but he didn't think it'd happen with another cup...

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