3~ New proposal.

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"Alhamdu lillaahil-lathee 'ahyaanaa ba'da maa 'amaatanaa wa'ilayhin-nushoor" I said as I woke up from sleep, I stretched my body and got up to say my fajr sallah, after that and my morning adhkar, I remembered,

"today is the wedding day" I thought to myself,

mashaALLAH I've been anticipating this day since when aisha told me she was getting married, mum informed me yesterday that we will all be going together since we are family friends, Dad was going to drive.

I've to get dressed really fast because I knew better than to keep dad waiting, dad might be the friendliest person you'll ever meet but he really detests lateness and always keeps to time.
The nikkah was starting by 9:00am and it's 7:45am already,
wow I really need to fasten up my pace because any time from now dad will start calling out to me.

I quickly went to take my bath, got out and applied all my body creams and treatment then went into my wardrobe to pick out my long, big dark maroon abaya that has small flowery embroideries on it, all my clothes are dark shades, I topped it with my big black thick veil, wore my socks and flat shoes then I carried my black shoulder bag and left downstairs.

When I got down, Masha Allah everyone was dressed already and they were all looking beautiful.

"ohh Alhamdulillah Fatima you're here your dad was just about to send for you now" mum said,

"yes mum I made it here as early as possible" I said as I winked at her,

"mum, dad you guys are looking so beautiful masha Allah, wow see my imran too, I need to take a record of this wonderful sight" I said as I took out my phone to click a photo of them standing together.

I was about to take another when dad said with a stern look,

"young lady it's ok we are getting late already" I know he was also enjoying the praise and attention I was giving them so I didn't budge in, I proceeded to give him the puppy eyes,
to cut it short we ended up taking more than twenty funny pictures before we left.

We arrived at the venue on time and the nikkah was just about to start, the male section was different from the female section so mum and I left imran with dad.
The place was so beautifully decorated,
mum left me as soon as we got inside I'm very sure she's already with her friends, I started to scan around maybe I'd sight yusra but I couldn't so I just sat on an empty chair at the back of the hall.
The nikkah has started already, the bride and groom has given their consent and everywhere was filled with mabrooks and allahuma bariks, I was already getting bored because I know no one here, the only people I know here are aisha who's the bride and is definitely busy, mum is in Allah knows where and yusra is nowhere to be found so I just bent my head downward looking at the ground.

After a few moments, I saw a slender hand holding out to me a purple wrapped chocolate, I raised my head to look at the person, lo and behold it was yusra, we hugged each other tightly and said our salams, I pulled an empty chair close to mine so we could sit together,

"I've been looking around for you" I said,

"ohh sorry about that my brother had something really urgent to attend to at his workplace that is why we arrived late" she replied me feeling guilty,

so I just pulled her chubby cheek and told her I just missed her and that's all, we both laughed it off and started complementing each other,

"lest I forget, have this chocolate I brought it specially for you sister Fatima" she said as she handed the purple wrapped chocolate she was holding out at first,

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