6~ Preparations.

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"Aman wants the wedding as soon as possible?" I overheard mum asking dad, I was approaching the living room to greet them,

"Yes, his father just informed me now" dad said,

"why would he want the wedding fast, I thought he wasn't really interested that was why he was quiet, or does he like me already?" I thought to myself,

"In as much as I love the idea, we must first ask for Fatima's consent before we can agree to it" mum said,

"Yes that's what I told him also that I'll ask for Fatima's opinion, then get back to him" dad said,

"ok that's great" mum said,

"is she back from work?" dad asked,

"yes, I think I heard her car horn, let me go check her room" mum said,

When I heard that I wanted to run back to my room, but I was too slow, mum caught up with me,

" ohh Fatima you're here already, I was about to check you in your room" mum said sounding surprised,

"Yes mum, I just came down now, I wanted to say salam to you and dad" I said scratching my head,

"ohh it's good you came, your dad wants to ask you a question" she said as she held my hand and drew me to the living room,

"salam alaykum dad" I said as I entered the living room,

"walaykum salam habibty, sit down" he said,

"ok, Aman's dad just called me now, he said Aman wants to have the wedding as quick as possible, is that okay with you?" dad said,

I stared at the blank space for long thinking if I should accept or not, I really don't have a problem with that idea because if you have faith that Allah is the one guiding you, you can never go astray,

"you don't have to stress yourself about it, if it isn't okay with you, you can decline" dad said,

Mum nodded in affirmation,

"I agree" I said,

"but on one condition"

"what's that" mum and dad said in unison,

"I'll not have a big wedding, only nikkah"

"ok habibty, your wedding your choice" dad said smiling, surprisingly mum was smiling too, I guess she doesn't have any problem with my decision,

"let me call to inform them now" dad said,

"salam alaykum alhaji abdallah" dad said talking to Aman's dad on the phone, I and mum are both listening,

"ohh alhamdulilah we are all fine"

"I called to inform you that your daughter accepted the request but gave a condition that only a nikkah would be held, there will be no big wedding"

"wow masha Allah that's great, it's a good thing they have similar thoughts"

"next week Saturday?"

"ok I don't think it will be a problem since she already agreed to having it sooner"

"ok masalam, I'll inform her, my regards to everyone" dad said as he ended the call,

I was eager to hear aman's dad side of conversation since it was only Dad's own I heard.

"Aman's dad said he's glad that you made that decision because Aman also thought of that idea but they didn't want to be too imposing, that's why they didn't let us know" Dad said,

"wow masha Allah it's a very good start for them that they have the same mindset" mum said smiling,

Dad agreed to it, and I was happy that Aman liked the idea because I also wouldn't want to do something that he doesn't approve of,

"lest I forget, they said what of if the wedding held next Saturday?" dad asked,

"it's ok with me" I said smiling,

"masha Allah, Allahuma barrik Fatima, Allah knows I'll miss you so much habibty" mum said hugging me,

"congratulations habibty, may Allah make yours among the best" Dad said,

"ameen dad" I said as the three of us did a joint hug,

"sister Fatima, me too, me too" imran said as he approached us, we all laughed at that, I picked him up, and all four of us hugged tightly, I felt like crying Allah knows I'll miss them so much.

I retired to my bed after saying all my duas, so in a weeks time I'll be married, someone else's priority will be mine, I'll complete half of my deen, it's scary due to the fact that I don't really know him, but Allah is with me, and I believe he's going to guide me through.

Days went by, shopping, makeovers, preparation in general has been going on, today is Thursday, two days before the nikkah, I informed yusra and aisha yesterday to come over, so we could apply henna together, I know they will be here soon, though the henna artist hasn't arrived yet.

"knock knock knock"

"come in" I said when I heard the knock on the door,

"salam alaykum sister Fatima" yusra said as she hugged me,

"walaykum salam yusra, take a seat" I replied as I gestured for her to seat on the bed,

"I'm so excited, in just two days you'll be my sister in law legally" she said grinning,

"I know right" I said blushing,

"Brother Aman is so lucky to have found you and I'm happy that he's finally giving himself a chance" she said,

"ever since we lost our mom due to some circumstances, Aman has been blaming himself that he's the cause and it has really taken a toll on his health" yusra said,

"subhanallah, inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajiun, sorry for the loss, I'm so sorry" I said to her sincerely,

"no need to be sorry sister Fatima, it's all in the past now, it's been years and moreover I was still young when it happened" she said trying to make me feel better but I was sad, only Allah knows what they had to go through all those times,

"Promise me something" she said,

"What's that?" I said,

"promise me you'll help Aman he really needs you because he has--"

she was about to complete it when someone knocked, she stood up to open the door and it was the henna artist, so we had to stop the conversation, I wanted to ask her "because he has what?" but I couldn't because of the henna artist was here.

Not long after aisha also came in, the three of us applied beautiful henna on our hands, I was thinking of what yusra told me and for some reasons I'm really starting to grow feelings for Aman though I haven't really met with him, the fact that he has lost his mother also adds up,

" I promise I'll take care of him, be a mother, a sister, a friend, a lover and a wife to him" I said to myself,

After we were done, It was time for them to leave, I told aisha off for coming late and she promised she'll make it early to the nikkah, I pray she does, we hugged and the both of them left.

"may Allah make this marriage a success" I said as I left for my room.

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