Premonition - Invisible Ties

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I'm not busting my ass to write the entire prologue so I'm gonna skip to the Premonition - Invisible Ties.

Chrom:This is it! Our final battle! You're one of us, Robin, and no 'destiny' can change that!

"F-Father?"Lucina mouthed, surprised at seeing the sight of her father onscreen.

"Is that Chrom in...what do you call this..?"Cordelia snapped her fingers and tried thinking of what the front was called.

"It's called a screen."The host, Ghost, said.

"Yes. The 'screen'."Cordelia said again. Others in the room were fascinated with the screen in front of them.

Chrom:Erik, are you with us?

Erik:Let's kill this bastard properly, Chrom.

[Erik unsheathed two throwing knives from his belt and gripping the handle tight. Chrom nods and lifts Falchion off the ground]

Robin:Let's do this.

[Chrom, Robin and Erik took a fighting stance and glared daggers at Validar from the other side of the room who laughed maniacally]

Lucina and the future Shepherds eyes darkened. This was the darkest day. The day that the Fell Dragon, Grima, was resurrected and brought ruin upon the world.

Validar:Why do you resist?

Erik:Yeah, you talk too much.

[Erik threw his knives at Validar who simply avoided them and blasted Erik with a magic blast, which Erik luckily managed to avoid in time]

[Robin blasted the mage with her thunder tome and Chrom charged at Validar with the Falchion at hand and leapt to strike him down, only for the mage to teleport and appear behind him and prepared a blast on his hand, ready to land a killing blow]


"NO!"Lucina shouted.

Erik:I don't think so!

[Erik kicked the mage from his side, causing him to fall onto the ground and attempts to blast Erik once again]

Lucina then breathed in relief," Thank you, Erik..."

"Oh man, that was a close call!"Claude said.


[Validar stood up and prepared to blast the trio again]

Erik:Yeah, fuck you, too!

Seteth, however, managed to cover Flayn's ears in time. Same goes to the younger members of the audience in the crowd.

"Brother, what did he say?"Flayn asked innocently.

"It's best that you do not ask."

Vaike, however, nodded," He's got balls. I'll give him that."

[Robin jumped in and blasted the mage with her tome as the mage now screamed and is now covered in purple flames and collapsed, seemingly defeated as Erik began to breath heavily]

"That looked too easy..."Leo said, feeling that this wasn't the end of that.

Erik:Is he... Is he dead?

[He was taking deep breaths as Chrom looks at Robin, most likely to say something, before Validar rose up again]


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2022 ⏰

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