Chapter: 1

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Ophelia POV:
I heaved a big sigh of relief as i was done cleaning my new apartment, looking around, everything looks perfect, my apartment is not too big but also not too small more like a cozy home.
I stand up from my sofa and got up to pick my wallet and keys to go grocery since my fridge is empty cause i just move in here in America since i received a scholarship to study at Harvard University, i was so happy since i moved here because it's my dream to study there and also im still amazed on how different this country is, from where i came and raised, Philippines.
I got an aunt who took care of me since i was 6 when my parents died from a car crash along with my newborn brother when they're on their way home, I maybe 6 at that time but i was matured enough to understand what had happened and the only crazy thing was my brothers body was never found on the scene, there is a possibility his still alive but im not willing onto find it out.

It's 6 in the evening as i walk out of my apartment complex, wearing a jacket with a hoodie covering my face and a basic jeans and a shoe.
I walk to the nearest grocery store and as i was busy picking some cereal boxes, when a dog suddenly run up to me making me trip and fall, the dog stopped, to lick my feet. The dog was quite cute so i just forgive it, i guess. I said in my mind as i was about to stand up a woman held her hands down to me. Maybe this is the dogs owner. So i just grabbed it without looking at that person's face and stand up.

"Ohh im so-sorry Mis-"

She stops when our gazes meet, was there something wrong with my face?
I took my time to examine the woman Infront of me, she was beautiful that i thought that a greek goodness is infront of me right now, she also had blue eyes that looks like the ocean. It's quite alluring to be exact.

"Gorgeous" i heard her say so i was a little bit stunned but immediately regained my composture and look at her. You're more gorgeous though, i said under my breath.

"Uh u-uhh im so sorry about my dog, miss" she said apologitecly, with a big smiled form on her face she reached out her one arm.

"Im Tianna Selzio by the way" she looks down at me a little bit since she's a bit taller while still smiling. Damn, that smile is so beautiful i thought.

"Ophelia Romez" i said shortly since i was so nervous and shy, but i remained my tone sounds cold since she's still a stranger.

A beautiful stranger.

She smiled sweetly which made my heart a little bit flattered, she was about to speak again when a tall white man shouts infront of the store's door and came running beside her.

"Babe are you okay? Let's get going the party starts at 7." He sounds sweet which i assume this beautiful lady's boyfriend or husband.
Ohh that kinda hurts i thought, wait why would i be in the first place. I erased my weird thoughts and pick up her dogs leash which was besides me while her dog is sniffing something, and i gave it to her. For a second time when our eyes meet, my stomach felt weird. She smiled and thank me and went with the person earlier who maybe didn't see me since he didn't even laid his eyes on me.Well can't blame him since he was with that beautiful woman from earlier.

After i brought everything, i went straight home to my apartment and fix everything thing, and finally laid down on my bed and let the darkness overtake.

~Morning ~

I woke up early since i need to find my classroom in Harvard, i already went there two days to enroll and get my classroom number, it was pretty huge and beautiful to be honest. I even nearly got lost trying to find the front desk but a kind blond man, who looks like my senior helped me.

As i was finished eating i got up and went down to wait for the Uber to come, after a few minutes a car stop Infront of me and it was the uber guy and i also checked the liscenced plate just to be sure cause it's better to be safe than never after confirmation i went inside, the driver was a kind talkative indian guy. I payed attention to everything he saying even though it's quite hard to understand since he was saying it very fast so i can only nod in response since i don't wanna hurt his feelings.

After a few minutes i was finally there, i payed and got out and i also bid thank you to Sakir, the Uber driver.
As i walk in, there is only a few people in here, since it's early in the morning. When i was walking finding the Medicine Building, i saw a petite woman being bullied by some white girls. I just stepped in and hold one of the girls hand who was about to slap the furious petite woman.

"What the hell!!! Who the fuck are you!??" The girl said angrily, i just look at her with my menace killing eyes that made her nervous and pale so finally i removed my grip making her step back while the other two girls were supporting her.

"Tsk let's go, i don't wanna waste my time on some Asian trashes" she said annoyingly while turning around and leaving.

"What a typical white person" the petite woman said while looking annoyingly at those three women walking away, she turn her gaze towards me and look at me with her shocked expression.

"Damn mommy! You're hot." She said while covering her mouth after what she said, she turn red from embarrassment so i just chuckled while looking at her.

"You're even that cute, damn-" she stops and fixed her self neatly and look at me with a smile which i find quite adorable
"Btw thanks for saving me, im Men-qui or also known as Marie in my English name and also im from China." She straight forwardly said while reaches her arm for a hand shake.

"Im Ophelia Romez, from Philippines" i said while also reaching out to her hands and we shook hands.

"Are you a freshman? Cause i am."she said while her eyebrows wiggles

"Yep" i said shortly while looking at the building number paper again.
Marie sneakily peek at it and shocked and happiness was visible to her face.

"Oh my god were in the same courses, cmon let's go" she said excitingly while locking her arms around mine. I didn't protest and went with her, seems like she knows her way which is good, while we were walking we also talk a few things to know each other but i only replied short since im shy and timid and not really into talking since from my childhood trauma.

While Marie was a talkative cheerful  lady, she was the extrovert kind of person which is nice to have as a person who don't talk very much.

As few minutes we reached a building  and searched for our room and luckily we were in the same room. As we saw our classroom number room we immediately went inside it, there were a few people since it's a little bit early so me and my newly found friend,Marie. We decided to seat at the front row since we two are a bit small compared to some students here in Harvard. As the bells ring many people already went inside, many of my classmates talks to me but i mostly just nod and replied short to them but Marie my life saver was always there to answer those students who were Lowkey flirting with me. Yep im keeping Marie by my side from now on.

As a few minutes went by, a tall woman whose figure was quite familiar entered, i was a little taken back when i saw her again. She was in her teacher uniform suits which looks hot on her by the way, many of my boy classmates was talking about how hot she is. I wish i could cut tounges, wait what's with that thought Ophel that's very bad i thought, i just shook my head and look at the front.

She look cold and professional at the same time and as she slowly put her bag on the table, and gazes at all of us coldly. But when our eyes meet she was a little taken back at first as her eyes softens when she saw me, while a weird smile creep up her lips.She cut our eye contact and looks at the intire room with her usual cold eyes, as she cleared her throught.

"Im Tianna Selzio your newly assigned teacher and adviser in Basic Math. Any questions?" her cold voice echoed throughout the room but, not even a single noise came from us.

She secretly looks at me again but i noticed it right away, and saw her smiled a little bit while looking at me but she quickly averted it and picks up a chalk and begins writhing something in the board.

Damn my stomach suddenly felt weird. Shit.

//Do you believe love at first sight?//

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