4.Together , Again

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Khainer POV

"Thing is a lot difference now ist it?"

As I said that I can see a confusion face of other except Kakucho.
'Ahhh so you alredy know today topic. So boring.' I lock eyes with Kakucho before continue my word.
"Soooo... It seem like there is some of you guys that is in a gang and some even rule over some place." As I lock eyes with Ran this time. After we left,this people has strated to look for Master while being in the gang.

"Hmmmm how far has Black Dragon gone?" I ask them a question but it was mainly toward Inui and Kokonoi as I lock eyes with the two. By now BD has gone to 10th generation that was lead by Taiju Shiba and his trusted people is none other than Inui and Kokonoi.
"If im not wrong it alredy gone to 10th generation,right Waka?" Shini answer back.
"Yes but,who cares? We alredy retire." Wakasa answer back in a lazyness.
"But if you want some more information just ask Koko and Inui." Takeomi said.

I than just smile at their answer,this becouse of the serious face of Inui and Kokonoi.
'How amusing!' I been keeping an eyes on BD as the first generation and 8th generation leader alredy back away from them.
"Uwahhh! So Inui and Kokonoi is in BD!" I make a suprise face.
"Is their anyone alse is in the gang!!??" I ask with so much concern even when I alredy know. I just wanna have fun before Master arive.

"What about Touman!!??" I ask again full of exciment. Its becouse I alredy know who was in Touman,is it right, Sanzu?
"... I was in it." He answer back,but what is this. Why does he answer so calm? I look at him but there is no felling at all.
"But it seem like you well inform of the situasion here even after you left." He continue his word. Hearing this my face harden. I look at him. I fell like punching him. No,its more like toturing him. My face that full of smile just now turn to a gloomy look.

"Indeed." I just give a ahort answer.
"So the Haitani's is the one that rule over Roppongi. Than what about you Kakucho?" I was in a bad mood,so I decide to get straight to the point.
"I... not in any gang... yet?" Is that an answer or a question but I couldt careless. Than I give them a cold smile and said.
"Lets wait for a bit,Master will be here soon." They just nod. I was really in a bad mood as my eyes didnt leave Sanzu. It semm like he notice it and turn to look at me,than he smile. I just return it with my own smile.
'This bastard!'


After 20 minute of waiting the door open revealing someone that probably 5ft 2,with his shining black hair thst make his blue oceon eyes and a pair of long earring more noticebel. He was wearing a pair of suit while holding a fan on his right hand. A smile can be seen on his face.
"It has been a while hasnt it?" He greet us,I mean them.

It was silent. No one spoke. Some have a shock face while some have a disbelift face. I mean,you been serching for your friend for 8 years when he suddently appear infront of you.
"Indeed. It has been a while... T." Kakucho is the first one to greet Master as he the first one that recover from the shock first than following with the other.

Shini"Ah yes! It has been a while."

Waka"I lost my word..."


Inui"You really a fallen angel..."

Koko"Black really suit you huh..."

Ran"Uwahhh!!! T why did you left without word!!??"

Rindou"Please keep it down..."

Sanzu"T... it was nice seing you again."

As they all recover from the shock they stand up from their sit and walk closer to Master. I also follow along and stand beside my Master.
'Now that I see it,where Izana?' I was wondering where Izana,when Master suddently spoke.
"Now now. I heard there is some new gang has been created." I was confuse. What gang? Than it suddently hit me.
'Was it that one?' I look back at master and I get my answer just by looking at his smiling face.

"Is that the first thing you going to talk about after disappearing?" Omi ask. How rude of him to say such a thing to Master. Master can spoke as he please.
"Lets all take sit first,should we?" With just a few word from Master everyone standback and sit back down.

After everyone take their own sit,Master was standing at the middle so that everyone attention will be at him. I only stand at the side so I wont bother him.
"So... just like I said tbere is a few new gang I heard will be up." This thing was not suppose to be talk about since it was still new information and Master just come back after a long years of being away.
"There not much I think?" Waka said. Master just smile while continue his word.

"Black Dragon with 10th generation leader." Master start while looking at Inui and Kokonoi than turn and look at Sanzu.
"Than we have Tokyo Manji or Touman and Valhalla." Hearing this everyone start to look at one another. Its becouse Valhalla is a big gang but they is still new. Now master turn to look at the Haitani's and Kakucho.
"Than we have Tenjiku." Now everyone look confuse. Tenjiku is still not formed so its not that weird if they dont know.
"Than we have..." Master didnt finish his word as he turn to look at Takeomi. Before anyone get to ask him question someone come in.

"Am I bothering...?"

IG- capriconthegoat

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